Category: Theory
Wikipedia Is More One-Sided Than Ever
“All encyclopedic content on Wikipedia,” declares a policy page, “must be written from a neutral point of view (NPOV).” This is essential policy, believe it or not. Maybe that will be hard to […]
A first attempt at using WordPress for microblogging
Here is the brand spanking new Larry Sanger Microblog, which lives at a domain I had sitting around doing nothing: As you’ll see, it looks a little like a social media feed. […]
An idea for theological self-education
I almost wrote: “a crazy idea for theological self-education” Let me describe what I am doing, and how I might want to go on doing it in the future. This description has two […]
A Good Man
Imagine—let us give him a name—Joshua. We say he is a good man. To say so in general is to say that he supports and preserves life wherever it is found. This is […]
The Era of Centralized Social Media Is Over
For too long, we have made what has amounted to a Faustian bargain. If you post your comments, your pictures, your videos, your essays, your reviews—your content—on Big Tech’s enormous centralized platforms, then […]
How to Solve Email
Universal problem, circa 2000: you move around from school to school, job to job, Internet provider to Internet provider. They all give you email addresses, which of course constantly change. What a headache. […]