How Big Pharma uses Wikipedia to push health propaganda
Guest post by Sharyl Attkisson. I don’t often host writings of other people on this blog, but I’ll make an exception for Sharyl, whose book, Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures,
On Being “Rich Toward God”
“But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou has provided? So is he that layeth up treasure
The Daily Offload #6
You’re arresting the wrong guy, idiot!
Well, maybe not daily. More like, when I am inspired and have a bit of time.
Priorities, priorities. As I looked over Twitter this morning with more than mild
The Daily Offload #5
LinkedIn illustrates how corporations waste influence control your time. The bottom-feeders at LinkedIn have notification settings with 13 top-level categories and many, many sub- and sub-sub-categories, including “on” switches hidden behind tabs. The
The Daily Offload #4
Doom! Gloom! Many are predicting something like an apocalypse. WWIII is imminent due to multiple allied nations attacking Israel, drawing in both U.S. and Russia! Many chaotic and badly reported riots in the
Five Reductios of Mariolatry
She is qualifiedly Mother of God, and not the Queen of Heaven. And certainly not the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
The standard syllogism used to establish that Mary is Mother of God
The Daily Offload #3
Shorter, this time.
Is evangelicalism dead? Basham’s Shepherds for Sale continues to dominate my feed on Twitter. It’s popular, I suspect, because it makes a case that Protestant theological conservatives have been waiting to
The Daily Offload #2
Yeah, this is too long for a “Daily Offload.” I’ll make future installments much shorter.
1. Megan Basham’s criticism of Gavin Ortlund. Basham is a Christian conservative who wrote a book published three days
The Daily Offload #1
For several years, I have been intending to write more in my blog or start a video series. I never get around to starting in earnest because (a) I am frequently perfectionistic, and
Is John 6 proof of the real body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist?
Here I’m basically just using this blog to promote a video I just posted. Readers who have followed my earlier posts on religious topics might find this interesting.
I am now a Christian. I