Category: Tech and Coding
The NAS revolution: Get your data out of the cloud
It turns out the cloud is kind of evil. We blithely put all our data online, right in the hands of giant corporations (and by extension, hackers and governments) who only too happily […]
Vendors must start adding physical on/off switches to devices that can spy on us
Update (May 15, 2019): This post was linked and its author quoted as a source in this Fast Company article on the same subject. Where’s my webcam’s off switch? Have you ever noticed […]
How I chose a NAS
A network-attached storage (NAS) device is your own Internet server—your very own “cloud”! I decided to get one for my own reasons. But which, and configured how, exactly? Here’s what I came up […]
Cloud smackdown: NAS vs. Resilio Sync vs. Zero-Knowledge Cloud!
In my ongoing effort to lock down my cyber-life, I jettisoned Dropbox three weeks ago, and I’m quite happy I did. But I’m not done with the reconfiguration. So, if you have the […]
How I replaced Dropbox
Updated April 2 at bottom. My main beef with Dropbox is that it’s not secure, not adequately encrypted, and there’s been a little too much indication that Dropbox is spying on user data. […]
How and why I got a VPN
As part of my ongoing efforts to lock down my cyber-life, I finally decided to investigate VPNs (virtual private networks) and subscribe to one, if it seemed to be a good idea. Well, […]
Further on my Linux journey: Ubuntu on a laptop
First, I decided to switch to Linux. I have to tell you: I’m so glad I did. It’s not just the sheer relief from the knowledge that I’m not being monitored by Microsoft […]
18 things about Apple that suck
Apple, how dost thou suck? Let me count the ways: iTunes, the worst software in the world. The App Store is a centrally managed walled garden. I can’t run apps Apple hasn’t approved […]
Notes on choosing a Linux distro (for Linux geeks only)
I’ve ditched Windows on my desktop machine. Similarly, I can’t keep using macOS on my laptop. I decided to put Linux on it (and dual-boot). I thought it would be a good idea […]