Category: Projects
The uses of Reading Bear
After reading some feedback from a recent survey I performed on the Reading Bear website, it strikes me that some people don’t understand how to use the site, despite the availability of help […]
Nominate Reading Bear for an Edublog award!
Hey, I can’t nominate myself in the Edublog Awards “Best free web tool” category, but it would be grand if you did! We need the publicity–we just launched! And don’t forget in […]
The case for using Reading Bear in preschools
Or, how and why to use Reading Bear in preschools. First, let me say what I am not arguing for here. I am not arguing that preschoolers should be required to learn to read, […]
Post-launch raves about Reading Bear
Here’s a run-down of the initial publicity and online buzz about Reading Bear. Reading Bear was on the front page of the high-profile tech blog yesterday, with this article. Techie Buzz “Reading Bear […]
Why build a site that teaches children to read?
Or: why am I spending over a year of my life developing a reading tutorial for little kids? You might think such a question invites boring platitudes of the sort that afflicts a […]
Reading Bear launches!
All, after a lot of planning and even more work, Reading Bear is now live on We are launching with 14 presentations, averaging around 15 minutes per presentation–in the longest of seven […]
Wikipedia’s proposed legal policies
It looks like Wikipedia might be, finally, accepting its legal obligations. Geoff Brigham, General Counsel of the Wikimedia Foundation (which is the legal owner of Wikipedia), has posted to the Foundation-l mailing list a […]
25 Replies to Maria Bustillos
In a recent essay, in The Awl (“Wikipedia and the Death of the Expert“), Maria Bustillos commits a whole series of fallacies or plain mistakes and, unsurprisingly, comes to some quite wrong conclusions. […]
Looong interview with me by Dan Schneider in Cosmoetica
Off and on, for the last 2.5 years, I have been answering questions from poet and critic Dan Schneider, who has conducted a series of long, interesting interviews. My interview, posted a few hours ago, is […]
Wales declares Sanger arbiter of consensus on Wikipedia
While looking at the old Wikipedia-L archives, I came across the following deliciously ironic post from none other than Jimmy Wales: [Wikipedia-l] subpages Jimmy Wales jwales at Mon Feb 25 23:33:51 UTC […]