Category: KSF
Why Encyclopedias Are Still Important
Here is a little argument for the enduring necessity of encyclopedias, despite the rise of LLMs. This will have two parts: the first more philosophical, developing principles about the “organic” nature of intelligence […]
Can you hold 69,020 books in one hand?
A flash drive with 69,020 books and built-in reader software gives you immediate and uncensorable access to the classics of Western civilization.
Backing Up Western Civilization: A Proposal to Investors and Philanthropists
IMAGINE that each free encyclopedia and public domain book could be found in thousands of copies, all around the world, making it permanently impossible to censor them. What if we were to create a system in which redundant digital libraries each had a complete copy of this massive knowledge trove, all operating on common standards…
The Daily Offload #1
For several years, I have been intending to write more in my blog or start a video series. I never get around to starting in earnest because (a) I am frequently perfectionistic, and […]
The Return of the Coders
Summary: Internet centralization and corporate dominance have increasingly stifled digital freedom. The Encyclosphere project stands solidly against this trend. In this blog post, I invite developers to make this vision a reality, giving […]
Wikipedia’s Empire—and How to Build a Rebel Alliance of Knowledge
Summary: This post is all about the essential problem with Wikipedia, and how we can fight back effectively. Wikipedia has become a key tool in shaping public opinion. It fits right in with […]
Chestnut Ridge Metro Park
Chestnut Ridge Metro Park is a lovely woody park, offering miles of trails for hiking and mountain biking. It is located 16 miles southeast of downtown Columbus, Ohio. The park lies in Fairfield […]
The Encyclosphere Is Greater than Wikipedia
1. Online information is carefully managed Wikipedia is just one encyclopedia, a ridiculously biased one. The collection of all the encyclopedias—that is what I mean by “the encyclosphere”—is more wide-ranging, fairer, and much […]
Free Information of the Third Kind
The Generative AI Threat to Freedom, and How You Can Help to Stop It has relaunched with a new design I made all by myself. As I am now long gone from […]