Category: Philosophy
How a Skeptical Philosopher Becomes a Christian
It is finally time for me to confess and explain, fully and publicly, that I am a Christian. Followers of this blog have probably guessed this, but it is past time to share my testimony properly. I am called to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” One of…
On Biblical Inspiration
Introduction: the problem The Bible, Christians believe, is inspired. What this means, however, is not at all clear, at least according to philosophical theology, in which there is a variety of theories. It […]
Against Cannibalism
UPDATED; first published August 25, 2019. For further evidence of a rising interest in cannibalism, see this Twitter thread. I’m going to go out on a limb and declare that eating people is […]
Why Neutrality
I drafted this article for, where it first appeared December 2015. I since published a slightly updated version (not the one below) in Essays on Free Knowledge. As a teenager, I habitually scanned […]
On a Philosopher Defending Pedophilia
A series of short videos, all drawn from interviews with philosophy professor Stephen Kershnar of SUNY-Fredonia, has gone viral—because he has the shocking temerity (and I use that phrase totally unironically) to defend […]
A Good Man
Imagine—let us give him a name—Joshua. We say he is a good man. To say so in general is to say that he supports and preserves life wherever it is found. This is […]
Protected: God Exists
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
“Being understood by the things that are made”
… Even more remarkable is the claim that the unbelievers and pagans “are without excuse” because they “knew God” who is “understood by the things that are made.” …