Category: Theory
On Biblical Inspiration
Introduction: the problem The Bible, Christians believe, is inspired. What this means, however, is not at all clear, at least according to philosophical theology, in which there is a variety of theories. It […]
A list of skimmable chapters of the Bible (by ChatGPT-4, as edited by me)
I am constantly amazed by, and testing or playing with, ChatGPT-4. It is, believe it or not, a dab hand at Bible commentary, not that I recommend using it for that purpose. The […]
How to Read the Bible All the Way Through for the First Time
About four years ago, I read the Bible cover-to-cover for the first time. I explained how I did it. It took me 100 days, and yes, as a result, I became a Christian. […]
The Encyclosphere Is Greater than Wikipedia
1. Online information is carefully managed Wikipedia is just one encyclopedia, a ridiculously biased one. The collection of all the encyclopedias—that is what I mean by “the encyclosphere”—is more wide-ranging, fairer, and much […]
A dialogue with a chatbot
The following is a dialogue I recently had with a chatbot which shall remain nameless. I was curious about the extent to which the chatbot was aware of itself, and if it would […]
Free Information of the Third Kind
The Generative AI Threat to Freedom, and How You Can Help to Stop It has relaunched with a new design I made all by myself. As I am now long gone from […]
Several Bible Study Tools and Tricks
There are a lot of great free Bible study resources online. Since I am about to start a new two-year (but in-depth) Bible study on April 2, I thought I would give you […]
If Truth Is Complex, Why Is Fact-Checking So Simplistic?
For the last several years, powerful media and government organizations have been sounding the alarm with increasing urgency about what they are pleased to call “disinformation.” Defined in various ways, the main thing […]
Is There an Exit from Search Hell?
I would not use Google; it’s both censorware and spyware. And I would not trust Bing, or Yahoo, which is powered by Bing, for the same reason. Such reasoning is why many of us switched to DuckDuckGo in the last few years, despite the fact that Bing is one of their sources. In addition to…
Why Neutrality
I drafted this article for, where it first appeared December 2015. I since published a slightly updated version (not the one below) in Essays on Free Knowledge. As a teenager, I habitually scanned […]