Category: Theory
Modern education and culture, or, what did you think would happen?
I. Modern education and culture Look at where we are in education and culture today. Let’s catalog the main issues, shall we? School children are often not taught to read properly, and too […]
On the Purposes of the Internet
SISCTI 34 February 28, 2009 Monterrey, Mexico Introduction I am going to begin by asking a philosophical question about the Internet. But I can hear some of you saying, âPhilosophy? What does that have to […]
Why study higher mathematics and other stuff most people don’t use in everyday life?
This video was posted in a Facebook group of mine here: I find it ironic that some of the most listened-to speakers about education explain that the cure to our educational ills is to point […]
How the government can monitor U.S. citizens
Just what tools do American governmentsâfederal, state, and localâhave to monitor U.S. citizens? There are other such lists online, but I couldn’t find one that struck me as being quite complete. This list omits strictly criminal […]
Against language arts and social studies textbooks
Here’s a little argument against language arts and social studies (e.g., history and geography) textbooks. We need to get rid of them. Period. Prima facie, we don’t need textbooks to teach a subject. Other pedagogical methods include chapter […]
Our Moral Abyss
First, let me state my basic thesis poetically. To some, it will sound unoriginal, implausible, and overwrought: We in the West are falling in a moral abyss. We are in mid-fall. It’s been long since we careened off […]
How to pop the education bubble
1. Soul-making and the education bubble One of my biggest pet peeves is the reduction of education to an economic transactionâto the gaining of marketable skills in exchange for fees. That’s all wrong. […]