Author: Larry Sanger
Why There Is Free Will
I. Some quick preliminaries I believe there is free will. I am a compatibilist. In this essay I will defend this view. I’ve taken this line ever since college, but have never taken […]
Please read: my challenge to kindergarten and first grade teachers
Dear Teachers(and those who support teachers, please listen in), I will buy your class $100 worth of books, and donate whatever anyone else pledges below (more on that in a bit), if you […]
Why Edward Snowden deserves a pardon, explained in 10 easy steps
Let me put this briefly and simply. The government should not be snooping on us. But they started anyway. That was wrong and unconstitutional. When they did, they made their snooping program secret. […]
Update about the boys, April 2013
In the past I’ve given mammoth updates about the boys, because I do enjoy writing such updates; but I really can’t afford the time now. Still, I will take a little time and […]
Ask DadDude: spawning analytical thinkers
Someone emailed me this question. Since it was asked so nicely, I thought I’d answer. I have a question for you and I hope you have time to reply to it. I admire […]
How I set up my standing desk
And now for something completely different. After my wife told me I sat too much, and reading various scary things about the evils of sitting too much and the benefits of standing desks, I […]
Reading Bear improvements
Here’s our latest Reading Bear update. We’re not done working on Reading Bear–which will always remain a non-profit, free website to teach reading through phonics and vocabulary. Here’s a quick progress report. Alternative reading systems […]
On the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting
I think the most relevant cause of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting has relatively little do with guns or mental health. I think it’s because our society is seriously ill–not mentally, but morally–and […]
E.’s reading progress
(No, that’s not a picture of E. He doesn’t have glasses.) Just a short report here. I’m delighted with 25-month-old E.’s reading progress. We are not studying phonics nearly as carefully and systematically […]
A challenge to first grade reading teachers: read in one year! No excuses!
In the course of responding on the “readbygrade3” mailing list (I’m a subscriber), I came across this page on I was greatly struck by the fact that, here in 2012, professional advisers […]