The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine

It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.

I want you to stop and reflect on that. Imagine the hubris it required both to carry out this plan and to propagandize the world to carry it out.

“Hubris?” you ask. “What do you mean?”

The Covid vaccines are experimental. The FDA has not approved them. Most vaccines require years to test and approve, in no small part because we want to make sure they don’t have dangerous long-term side effects, which they can have; the CDC has published a list of problems with selected approved vaccines. Many experimental vaccines never make it out of the experimental phase. CNN made similar points back when Trump was, wrongheadedly (I thought so at the time) pushing for rapid approval of the Covid vaccines. Of course, the mercurial news organization hastened to forget all that when the Biden administration decided rapid vaccine deployment was a good idea. They shouldn’t have: for all the good they certainly have done, physicians warn us that vaccines can be dangerous for some, and experimental vaccines are, naturally, even more so.

It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.

Again, my point is simple and absolutely factual:

  • experimental vaccine
  • billions of people (over two billion)
  • at the same time

You have to be willing to trust the welfare of billions of people not just to the honesty of our leaders and scientists—because things can go wrong for decent people. You must also trust their competence—and not just that, because competent people can make surprising, unforeseeable mistakes. You must also trust that we avoided the worst, that we dodged a bullet, and that they actually succeeded in making a more or less safe vaccine.

Of course, maybe they did. I sure hope so. But what if we discover some horrifically high incidence of catastrophic side-effects that do not show up for two or five or ten years? Scientists tell us that that is possible. It is unfortunately possible that more people will die from these experimental vaccines than would have died from a virus that kills fewer than 1% of those who contract it.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not claiming that is happening. I am not even saying that it is terribly likely. I am saying it is possible, because these are experimental vaccines.

Frankly, the hubris required for carrying out this plan, and for taking the lead in propagandizing the world to carry it out, is jaw-dropping and scary to me. If a world leader is willing to take such gambles with all of humanity, what else are they prepared to do? I really wonder. If suddenly you became a president or top medical system leader or media organization owner, would you want to take an action that, if you were wrong, might spell the death of millions? First, do no harm. We haven’t heard that old medical byword very much recently.

My family received our childhood vaccinations, by the way, with no issues. I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am an anti-global-all-at-once-experimental-vaxxer. There is a big difference.

This is not even to touch the question whether these experimental vaccines should be mandated, i.e., if you should lose your basic civil rights if you fail to be vaccinated. Maybe I will write about that question, definitely a non-medical question, separately another time. There is indeed much, much more to say.

But my present point is simple: experimental vaccine—billions of people—at the same time. It utterly boggles the mind that so many otherwise reasonable people have been influenced to think this is a good idea.






Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

64 responses to “The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine”

  1. Mark Kadillak

    I have read this thoughtful essay every few months since it was 1st published. Having had Covid before the vaccine was launched I was comfortable having natural immunity, but when I was told that an experimental mrna jab was better than natural immunity I knew this was not about health. Now its clear that it was all about money and control over the masses. I know people who died and were injured by the vax and many more who were coerced into getting jabbed and now regret it. I fear for the vaxed as they were injected multiple times not knowing what it did to their body.

  2. Slovakgirl

    I wholeheartedly agree with you Mr Sanger. Their arrogance is astonishing but pride goes before a fall. Those who are full of themselves at the moment may have to eat their words later, if they are alive to do so. How can people think this is a good experiment? I put it down to the constant brainwashing of the last 20 months.

  3. Sam

    Well it’s either vaccinate people with this experimental disease – or expose them to COVID-19 unprotected. We don’t know the long-term effects either way.

  4. Marcel THOMAS

    @Alex Bujorianu Lol I don’t know if you “know ” medecine (probably not) but you don’t know history at least when you said “Hmm, remind me of all those billions of people that got the “experimental” smallpox vaccine ” . Have you any idea how many people lived in the whole world at the time of Jenner ? Another hint , use wikipedia for demographic help. Do you think at those time , it was experimental ? , not completly , it was already known than the peasants having those cows with cowpox didn’t get the hilness , hence the name Vaccine because of “maladie de la vache”, do you think at those time they do a vaccination campaign ? how dare you to compare ?
    By the way, those new ARNm vaccines are not real vaccines so they shouldn’t even be called vaccines but more ARN hacking. There again how dare you to compare ? In a real vaccine you receive a deactivated virus in your body and have your natural antibodies learning to do the job and memorizing it. This is not the case with those “preventive treatments” ( they are NOT real vaccines).
    Here, with those new ARNm mixture, each 6 months you have to take another jab , because those pseudo-vaccines are bad for the job of protecting us, bad for the job of making anti-bodies memorizing the enemy SARS-COV-2, bad for secondary effects, so many bad effects, and are more a reason to enslave the planet with a green pass, than to liberate it . All that for ” a devastating virus that affects the entire planet, killing 0.04% of its population, mostly people far beyond their life expectancy.”

  5. Alex Bujorianu

    Hmm, remind me of all those billions of people that got the “experimental” smallpox vaccine, or the “experimental” polio vaccine? You do realise that at some point, all vaccines were experimental, right? Should we have left children on iron lungs? Should we have left millions of people to be maimed and die horrible deaths from smallpox? Should we let people right now die unnecessary deaths on ventilators—and kill more people who are waiting in ambulances outside the hospital, because they’re having a heart-attack and can’t get treatment?

    You don’t know shit about vaccines or medicine. You don’t even know the basic history of vaccines (hint: it started with Edward Jenner giving kids cowpox. Which you would know if you had even bothered to read a Wikipedia article on the subject.) Your profession might not even exist if it weren’t for vaccines—we’d be too busy dying in droves from tuberculosis to care about computers. Don’t assume your opinion in another field counts for anything just because you passed your comp sci classes.

    1. Bill Forth

      What you said is not logical and is just plain ignorant.

    2. And that, my friends, is what we call an “ad hominem” attack.

      The first paragraph is basically a non sequitur: from the fact that vaccines have saved many lives, it hardly follows that this gene therapy is perfectly safe.

      Also, I’ve never had a class in computer science; my Ph.D. is in philosophy.

  6. […] to an article Mr Tan shared with me, the vaccines are considered to be experimental. Additionally, the Food and […]

  7. Andrew

    I think you should have the word “vaccine” in quotation marks. The ONLY reason they’re called vaccines is because the execrable CDC conveniently changed the established definition of “vaccine” solely and explicitly so that these experimental drugs could be called vaccines.

    It’d be like me changing the definition of “leg” to include an animal’s tail, and then declaring that I own a five-legged horse.

    The Chinese virus experimental drugs are NOT vaccines as that word had been defined until two weeks ago. The dishonesty and temerity of the CDC and all those who are mandating these experimental drugs for which zero long-term safety data are available is criminal.

  8. Gail Hughes

    A standing army enforcing the mandates would be recognized as a danger. A financial system that serves the function of a standing army appears reasonably civilized. Adding in the usual intellectual battery the reach for the limits of possibilities is on.

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