I am thinking of offering a new, independent online course about decentralization and freedom. The focus would be social media; perhaps a future course would focus on free encyclopedias. Or maybe we would do the encyclopedia course first. A proposed reading list is below. Interested? Have ideas about what we should read for this?
This could be considered an outgrowth of last year’s work on the Declaration of Digital Independence and the social media strike. As I said in this Wired article, at some point after we do the strike, we should organize mass try-outs of a bunch of social media tools. I wanted to, but I never did this last year because doing it properly would take time, and time takes money.
A course could help pay for this, though. Maybe we could fund proper deliberations over social media tools by combining such deliberative work with a course. That seems like a good idea. My worry has been that I’d be on the hook to offer a course that not many people were interested in. But a friend just told me about a Gumroad.com feature: you can let people pre-order a product, but the user is not charged until the course begins. If enrollment gets up to a certain number, I will green-light the course, and people are charged when it starts. If there is insufficient interest, they are never charged. Perfect!
Combining deliberation about the best social media tools with a course seems like a good idea for an additional reason: I do not actually want to deliberate seriously about this important decision with people who are ignorant of the relevant issues. Indeed, I would like to seriously review all the relevant issues myself. We got into this Big Social Media mess by going in half-cocked. I propose that we should not do that as we decide what to replace Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter with.
General Course Information (tentative)
Tentative title: How and Why to Decentralize the Internet
Description: A two-to-three month upper-division-to-graduate-level course. focused on reading and discussion. You will read and closely analyze and evaluate many important source texts that go into understanding, appreciating, and making decisions about component projects of the free, decentralized Internet in general and social media in particular. There will be a dual focus on the relevant technology and on practical philosophy (or applied theory). The technical decisions before us must be made based on deep principles.
Instructor: Larry Sanger (Ph.D. philosophy from Ohio State, 2000; ex-founder, Wikipedia; serial Internet project starter-upper; Internet consultant). Maybe also guests/interviewees.
Possible course requirements: most importantly, weekly readings as well as online written, moderated discussions in a forum, blog, or mailing list (haven’t decided yet), focused on the readings; probably a weekly video session; maybe 2-3 short papers (feedback offered if desired); probably, participation in choosing and trying out various social media tools, and then later helping to launch larger try-outs of our top choices of social media tools.
Grading: n/a
If you want a grade, I am willing to give you one based on written work.
Prerequisites: None checked, but you should be able to do upper-division college-level work, including (especially) coherent writing and careful reading; you must also be a “power user,” someone who is not afraid to read about sometimes difficult technology concepts
Texts: all distributed free of charge; Larry Sanger’s first book, Essays on Free Knowledge, will be given to all students.
Reading/Topic List (tentative, unfinished, additions requested)
NOTE: the following is not finalized in any way. If there are topics and readings you want included, please let me know!
I. Background
Internet Governance: History and Recent Developments
- Laura DeNardis, The Global War for Internet Governance selections
- Standards-setting bodies: W3C, IETF, IEEE, etc.
- Governance/policy bodies: ICANN, WSIS, IGF, Dept. of Commerce, etc.
Technical Background: Internet Protocols and Standards
- Laura DeNardis, The Global War for Internet Governance selections
- SIntroduction to the Internet’s protocols and standards
- Languages in which standards are written: XML and JSON
- Decentralized content standards: RSS and Atom
- Older identity standards: oAuth and SAML
- Self-owned(?) identity standards: DIDs
- ActivityPub, ActivityStreams
Technical Background: Content Networks
- Laura DeNardis, The Global War for Internet Governance selections
- Old-fashioned P2P networks
- CDNs
- Modern torrent networks
- Blockchain content networks and IPFS
II. The Theoretical Principles
Internet Freedom: Principles and Software
- The very idea of Internet freedom
- Eric Raymond, “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”
- Larry Sanger, “The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia: A Memoir”
- The rise of git, Github, and modern open source software
Free Culture and Self-Ownership
- Selections from Creative Commons website materials
- Lawrence Lessig, Free Culture, selections
- The “own your own data” movement
Internet Privacy
- Wacks, Privacy: A Very Short Introduction maybe
- Schneier, Data and Goliath selections (maybe)
- Selection from Mitnick, The Art of Invisibility
- What is digital privacy?
- Why is digital privacy important?
- European and Californian legislation
- The NSA’s spy programs
- The Chinese social credit system
Free Speech, Censorship, and Neutrality
- Mill, On Liberty, Ch. 2
- Sanger, “Why Neutrality”
- Assange, Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet selections (maybe)
Online Anonymity and Pseudonymity
- Selections from Mitnick, The Art of Invisibility
- What encryption is, what it’s for, why it’s important, whether it’s “too dangerous”
- (maybe) Larry Sanger, “A Defense of Real Name Requirements”
- (maybe) “The Rise of Digital Pseudonymity“
Digital Autonomy
- Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget selections
- Evgeny Morozov, The Net Delusion selections
Decentralization and Digital Identity
- What is decentralization, anyway?
- Gilder, Life After Google selections
- What is “self-sovereign” identity mean and require?
- The essential necessity of DID
- The grave dangers of DID
III. Social Media or maybe Encyclopedias
Critique of Social Media
- The Social Network (2010 film)
- Carr, What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains selections
- Jaron Lanier, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now selections
- Shoshana Zuboff, Age of Surveillance Capitalism selections
- Newport, Digital Minimalism selections (maybe)
Decentralized Social Media Projects
- IndieWeb and Mastodon
- Conservative social media: Gab, Minds, Bitchute, and Parler
What Next?
- Larry Sanger, “Toward a Declaration of Digital Independence” and “Declaration of Digital Independence”
- Fair methods for organizing mass try-outs of social media tools
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