Month: November 2024
The Tower of Babel: A Pattern of Divine Corporate Justice
Why did God scatter the builders of Babel? This iconic story is more than a myth; it reveals a profound divine policy against unchecked ambition and empire-building. Explore how the Tower of Babel prefigures God’s justice, his stance on prideful nations, and the timeless lessons for humanity.
Can you hold 69,020 books in one hand?
A flash drive with 69,020 books and built-in reader software gives you immediate and uncensorable access to the classics of Western civilization.
Backing Up Western Civilization: A Proposal to Investors and Philanthropists
IMAGINE that each free encyclopedia and public domain book could be found in thousands of copies, all around the world, making it permanently impossible to censor them. What if we were to create a system in which redundant digital libraries each had a complete copy of this massive knowledge trove, all operating on common standards…
Five Reductios of Mariolatry
She is qualifiedly Mother of God, and not the Queen of Heaven. And certainly not the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. First posted August 4, 2024; appendix added November 15, 2024. The standard […]
Books Recommended by My Twitter Followers for My Teen Sons
I asked my Twitter followers for book recommendations. I asked them to “kindly list the most eye-opening books (author & title) that my sons (bright teen and tween) should read before age 20, […]