Now with a bonus list of people who should not stop!

- prostitutes
- Democrats
- network news watchers

- NYT, WaPo readers
- drug addicts
- pedophiles
- Joe Biden supporters
- occultists
- New Agers
- fat guys with rear cleavage
- alcoholics
- atheists
- Establishment morons pretending to be woke
- actual wokesters
- married women who flirt
- unmarried women who flirt with married men
- their targets
- people who douse their lawns with chemicals
- gangbangers
- illegal immigrants

- child traffickers
- people driving slowly in the left lane
- actual racists
- social media addicts
- creepy stalkers
- rapists
- murderers
- tailgaters
- overeaters
- porn addicts
- the Clintons

- the Bushes
- all politicians
- thieves
- Big Tech
- predatory VCs
- pornographers

- drug dealers
- secret societies
- liars
- swindlers
- atheists
- transhumanists
- poachers
- litterers
- people who take money from Soros
- megalomaniacs
- twerkers
- wife beaters
- husband beaters
- pedophiles
- MAP individuals
- sinners

- haters
- mask-wearers
- jab-pushers
- lock-downers
- people who let mean dogs run loose
- child abusers
- people blowing up food plants and killing cows and chickens
- people who glue themselves to paintings
- fallacious arguers
- satanists
- luciferians
- grifters
- pedopriests

- pedopastors
- pedoteachers
- librarians who pretend porn in school libraries is a First Amendment cause
- teachers who teach kids perversion
- school board members who hire or approve of those teachers
- parents who think their toddler is trans
- librarians who toss books they know somebody wants
- people who want the police defunded
- people who burn down their own neighborhoods
- people who pretend to be the latter people
- Feds
- the Fed

People Who Should Not Stop

- exercisers
- mothers
- fathers
- kissers of spouses
- teachers
- those praying
- dieters (when needed)
- enforcers of laws against petty crime
- gardeners
- bread-makers
- bread-winners

- readers
- politicians who say they support the little guy, and actually do
- honest judges
- tenured professors who stand up to woke madness
- teeth brushers
- scientists who don’t fabricate data
- true humanitarians who support the cause of freedom
- helpful, non-creepy, non-manipulative mentors
- decent, reasonably intelligent, Bible-believing preachers
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