The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine

It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.

I want you to stop and reflect on that. Imagine the hubris it required both to carry out this plan and to propagandize the world to carry it out.

“Hubris?” you ask. “What do you mean?”

The Covid vaccines are experimental. The FDA has not approved them. Most vaccines require years to test and approve, in no small part because we want to make sure they don’t have dangerous long-term side effects, which they can have; the CDC has published a list of problems with selected approved vaccines. Many experimental vaccines never make it out of the experimental phase. CNN made similar points back when Trump was, wrongheadedly (I thought so at the time) pushing for rapid approval of the Covid vaccines. Of course, the mercurial news organization hastened to forget all that when the Biden administration decided rapid vaccine deployment was a good idea. They shouldn’t have: for all the good they certainly have done, physicians warn us that vaccines can be dangerous for some, and experimental vaccines are, naturally, even more so.

It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.

Again, my point is simple and absolutely factual:

  • experimental vaccine
  • billions of people (over two billion)
  • at the same time

You have to be willing to trust the welfare of billions of people not just to the honesty of our leaders and scientists—because things can go wrong for decent people. You must also trust their competence—and not just that, because competent people can make surprising, unforeseeable mistakes. You must also trust that we avoided the worst, that we dodged a bullet, and that they actually succeeded in making a more or less safe vaccine.

Of course, maybe they did. I sure hope so. But what if we discover some horrifically high incidence of catastrophic side-effects that do not show up for two or five or ten years? Scientists tell us that that is possible. It is unfortunately possible that more people will die from these experimental vaccines than would have died from a virus that kills fewer than 1% of those who contract it.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not claiming that is happening. I am not even saying that it is terribly likely. I am saying it is possible, because these are experimental vaccines.

Frankly, the hubris required for carrying out this plan, and for taking the lead in propagandizing the world to carry it out, is jaw-dropping and scary to me. If a world leader is willing to take such gambles with all of humanity, what else are they prepared to do? I really wonder. If suddenly you became a president or top medical system leader or media organization owner, would you want to take an action that, if you were wrong, might spell the death of millions? First, do no harm. We haven’t heard that old medical byword very much recently.

My family received our childhood vaccinations, by the way, with no issues. I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am an anti-global-all-at-once-experimental-vaxxer. There is a big difference.

This is not even to touch the question whether these experimental vaccines should be mandated, i.e., if you should lose your basic civil rights if you fail to be vaccinated. Maybe I will write about that question, definitely a non-medical question, separately another time. There is indeed much, much more to say.

But my present point is simple: experimental vaccine—billions of people—at the same time. It utterly boggles the mind that so many otherwise reasonable people have been influenced to think this is a good idea.






Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

64 responses to “The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine”

  1. Doly Garcia

    “It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.”

    “At the same time” is a very relative thing. We all know that the vaccine will not reach the poor in many places for quite some time, and when it does reach them, many of them will probably not get it anyway, because the poor often don’t get stuff, even stuff aimed for them. It’s pretty much the definition of being poor.

    “Experimental” is also very relative. By today’s standards, most vaccines were “experimental” at the time when they were initially distributed.

    And “never before” is also relative. Contraception has been widely distributed, in a relatively short span of time. Certainly before being aware of all the possible side effects in the long term.

    “But what if we discover some horrifically high incidence of catastrophic side-effects that do not show up for two or five or ten years?”

    Then we’ll have to deal with that problem as it happens. The effects of the virus are reasonably well-known by now, and it’s well-known that it puts an unacceptable strain on healthcare systems everywhere. So we are dealing with that problem. If the solution somehow turns out to be worse than the disease, we’ll deal with that problem as it happens. As we always have. It wouldn’t be the first time in history that we create “solutions” that bring more problems than they solve. (How many times has a war been a good solution?) We can only deal with problems we understand, not with hypothetical problems that we know nothing about.

    1. Greenjeans

      You can’t deal with a problem if you’re dead.

      The shots are forever in your body. For. The. Rest. Of. Your. Life.

      Not only are these “vaccines” new with unknown long term efficacy and safety, the technology is COMPLETELY new. These are not vaccines in the traditional sense.

      The author makes complete sense using logic and sound reasoning.

    2. Quinton

      This is well said Doly. I agree with the author’s point that the idea of distributing a new vaccine so broadly is a bit frightening when we don’t know its long term effects. Frankly, so is the idea of not doing it, when we know COVID-19 is killing and sickening so many.

      I think there is indeed some hubris in thinking that we, as humans, can effectively and efficiently combat disease (though we try to do it all the time, and on a global level too). But when the alternative is to close our eyes and cross our fingers and let nature take its course, at least for a good long while (it’s not clear to me how long would be enough here to make those hesitant feel ready), I’ll go with hoping that we got this one right as a species and saving the lives we can save today.

      1. There are many non-apathetic alternatives to aggressively pushing an experimental gene therapy medicine on the entire human race all at once.

        There are effective treatments. And we could use long-term trials with smaller test cohorts, and not push it so aggressively, and limit its use only to those who are truly in danger of death. Covid does not turn out to be more dangerous than a bad flu for the vast majority younger, healthy people.

        We know all this and yet somehow we manage to keep forgetting it.

  2. […] The “safe and effective” narrative is no longer a sound conclusion and underscores their astonishing hubris when considering the inhumane lack of informed consent (a must-read and its ongoing Twitter thread) […]

  3. M

    Clairvaux – The vaccine is being administered under an EUA, and is still in stage 3 trials. The data set is incomplete. Comparing the adverse reactions to the vaccine to a bug in Excel is the height of stupidity. The only way you could make that comparison is if there was a bug in Excel that caused my computer to blow up, killing me, if I entered some unknown keystroke combination.

    In addition, the clinical trials were flawed because the test subjects that were selected had no co-morbidities. Further more, the vaccines provide virtually no Absolute Risk Reduction compared to not being vaccinated, according to the manufacturer’s own study. Considering the number of deaths and adverse reactions reported to VAERS, I’m surprised more people aren’t speaking up.

    There is a long list of other pharmaceuticals that were a roaring success for the first year, or two, or three. And then, disaster. Larry is right to voice his concern.

  4. Senechal

    This was a well-reasoned piece.

    The larger issue which lurks behind this one is the fact that there has never been such a global “prize” (in the Daniel Yergin sense of the word) on the table as this one.

    For a nation that continues to fight forever-wars based on a cassus belli of “WMD’s” which never materialized, we should ask ourselves: What wouldn’t “we” do for this eponentially-larger prize? As a country which sent hundreds of thousands to the grave in the name of profit over the past two decades — and just as many to be fitted for prosthetics — certainly, we would sweep valid concerns under the rug, cut regulatory corners, and eventually stamp “FDA Approved” on these vaccines.

    Yes, the chutzpah required to rapidly scale this experimental program to every shoulder on Earth is unprecedented. But remember: so is the prize. Never before have Big Pharma’s sharks smelled so much blood in the water. They are circling in a frenzy which ignores all rational objection.

    Profit motives should never require skepticism. Conversely, we should question any claimed resistance to profit incentives.

    Please keep writing Larry. No, nobody sees your piece as “anti-vaxx”. Don’t let them call you that.

    1. Good points, my friend. Let’s hope we collectively wake up in time and create a system like that before it is too late.

      Speaking of the mark of the beast, they have been putting it right in our faces for years. Check out the last line of this article:

  5. SolarTermination

    All apologies for posting this so many times, I am just doing what I feel is necessary to get the word out. The time to turn this ship around is about to run out, and if we do not act soon we are going to crash right through the rubicon and hit the brick wall of our demise at full velocity.


    The media – both news and entertainment – have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.

    Most humans emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm.

    This is an extremely damaging and regrettable exploit of human nature. Worse, this exploit is as easy to execute as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population.

    The largest PSYOP in history is unfolding right before our eyes, armed with incalculable amounts of human behavior data harvested from internet and smart phone usage geared toward manipulating us to walk in lock-step into the incinerator of our own destruction.

    We’re dealing with a captured media and the transparently obvious military grade psychological operations they are relentlessly employing, the millions of sheep that believe their every obvious lie and preach it as gospel, and their near total obliviousness to the self-evident fact that this plandemic is a blatant takeover of the world by a handful of psychopaths.

    Here are two essential articles detailing how politicians hack our brains with fear as a means of political control:

    If you found this information useful, please share it with this link:

    1. Shahrazad

      > humans emotionally connect their
      > personal belief system to the belief
      > system of their political party

      That is exactly what democracy has done to us: Before democracy we were a member of the family, clan or village. Now we are a member of a party.

      In this digital era the membership shifts from party to something in the global level. This can occur after the mother child relationship has been cut off.

      The children are then fostered in enormous production facilities and they have only one parent: the state. — This is justified by saying that the parent need more «quality time».

      THE CURE

      Either we fall into the future described above or we must set up an independent local level democracy a democracy that is not financed by state but by the people.

      First thing for the local level is to start producing food because the market food is available only to those withe mark of the beast.

      1. Good points, my friend. Let’s hope we collectively wake up in time and create a system like that before it is too late.

        Speaking of the mark of the beast, they have been putting it right in our faces for years. Check out the last line of this article:

  6. Mr. Sanger, thank you for publicly pointing out one of the many insanities that permeate the Covid landscape. I notice that David Collum of Cornell has also spoken out (in an interview on “Quoth the Raven’). And today I was shocked to hear Sean Hannity assail on his radio show one of the other insanities — in this case the refusal of the health care industry to prescribe treatments such as (HDQ and Ivermectin and Regeneron) for Covid sufferers. Maybe the tide has turned and the madness has run its course.

  7. foto

    Dr. Ardis 1:36:38,
    fauci & remdesivir 1:42:43
    fauci & deadly treatment protocol NIH 1:47:00
    fauci ebola protocol failure 2:09:00
    lawsuits filed against Health and Human Services 2:17:49
    FDA secret meeting Oct 22 2020 knowledge of tragic side effects 2:20:32
    3 days post vaccine 45,000 deaths 2:25:20
    Multi System Inflamatory Syndrome in children 2:37:25
    “vaccine” and pregnancy 2:51:45
    FDA & lack of critical thinking 2:56:30

  8. Clairvaux

    Come on, Larry. Not you. Please.

    You know very well you’re talking bullshit, and for a very simple reason : those vaccines are not experimental. By any stretch.

    They have been extensively tested in clinical trials. They have been shown to be exceptionally efficient and safe. And there is an exceptionally efficient worldwide monitoring mechanism in place, ensuring that the rarest of adverse effects, if they happen on a real-life scale, will be known and studied with minimal delay.

    Which is what happened. Some adverse effects were so rare, that they could not be detected in clinical trials. They were detected in the following stage. The use of vaccines was changed accordingly.

    Everything is nominal. Things proceed as they were expected to do. Indeed, they proceed exceptionally better than what was anticipated. It’s a roaring scientific success.

    You’re nitpicking over legalese. Just because in America, the vaccines are provided under emergency approval by the FDA, does not mean they are unsafe.

    Confusing legal technicalities with scientific facts is preposterous. That’s a bit like saying Microsoft Excel is garbage, because somewhere in the EULA, it’s written that Microsoft does not promise in any way that Excel is fit for purpose, and you’re on your own if it fails.

    1. I am not talking bullshit. The vaccines have already done a great deal of damage, as you’d know if you looked beyond what CNN is telling you. And then there are the long-term side-effects, which are necessarily unknown at this time. But that doesn’t matter; that’s to miss the point.

      The point is that you simply don’t know whether the vaccines really are safe. You think you do, but you don’t. And yet you advocate injecting all of us, 7.8 billion of us, with them. What if they turn out to be harmful, as new medicines unfortunately sometimes are? Even if the chances are miniscule, you are multiplying those chances by billions. The hubris this requires is shocking.

      It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.

      Frankly, the hubris required for carrying out this plan, and for taking the lead in propagandizing the world to carry it out, is jaw-dropping and scary to me. If a world leader is willing to take such gambles with all of humanity, what else are they prepared to do? I really wonder. If suddenly you became a president or top medical system leader or media organization owner, would you want to take an action that, if you were wrong, might spell the death of millions? First, do no harm. We haven’t heard that old medical byword very much recently.

      1. Hugh Dickson

        Thank you, Larry for articulating so well the current state of affairs. When the system which is supposed to protect you from harm is actively discouraging reporting of adverse events and deaths from experimental injections while at the same time pushing them so hard on everyone you should ask questions. Instead, the mere act of asking questions makes you a scumbag.

    2. D. Wichner

      The vaccines are NOT FDA approved. They are approved under what is known as Emergency Use Authorization. They are experimental and the trial period does not end until 2023. If you’ve taken these shots, then YOU ARE the trial.

    3. Amara

      I’d just like to interject that these treatments are NOT traditional “vaccines”. Vaccines utilize so-called deactivated, weakened samples of the actual virus being treated in order to coax the body into amassing its Immunity Brigade. These injections contain an adenovirus that has been stripped of its own special brand of viral infection and implanted with the blueprint for the covid spoke protein. This particular method of inducing an immune response using a viral vector is called “viral gene therapy”, and in the decade + of assiduously applying, the research labs were never once given the green light for human trials. Even though I’ve witnessed the extremely careful wording and glossing-over of negative results (in the name of “science”…or fat research grants), no lab, anywhere, was ever allowed to legally conduct human trials due to the ethical concerns implied by the results of non- human primate testing. Most test subjects invariably suffered infertility, various cancers of multiple organ systems and neurological disorders leading to termination.
      So, no: this particular treatment has never undergone human trials in a controlled laboratory setting.

      I want to know several things that haven’t been addressed regarding these treatments.
      1) What cells, specifically, are being targeted and co-opted by this reprogramming mRNA?
      2) Is there a cut-off point? At what point does the treatment stop co-opting the unknown cells?
      3) The origin and pedigree of covid is still in question, as are the presence of certain, er, “attributes”. Is it wise to expose a virus to an artificially increased number of antibodies if that virus may have been pressure-evolved in a series of petri dishes using antibody dependant enhancements? Isn’t THAT why some epidemiologists are trying to clarify that the viral load in vaccinated individuals who catch covid is up to 1000 times higher than those who become infected without being vaccinated? Researchers have also tried to highlight that the vax’d also have a proportional shed load, meaning they are pumping more virus out when they catch it.

      I can’t answer the Shrodinger’s cat question regarding covid symptoms with vaccine vs covid symptoms withOUT vaccine, but that viral load sure seems to be indicative that this virus is still using antibodies to improve the vintage, so to speak.
      There are too many unknowns, and too many “knowns” have been quietly and unobtrusively redacted from various search engines for me to feel like there isn’t a good deal of “cloak and dagger” here.
      Anytime someone uses guilt, abuse or any emotional response to elicit your acquiescence and steadfastly refuses to provide a consistent and straight answer, that someone is lying to you.
      Are we really ok with irreversibly injecting something into our bodies just because someone who has “authority” is guilting us into doing it? Does anyone else remember the DARE program, when they taught about drugs and peer pressure?
      This whole campaign is classic manipulation, even down to the deflection used with those who ask reasonable questions. Anyone, regardless of education, background or authority, who questions any aspect of this situation is cast as some tinfoil hat-wearing nut. Why? Why not just answer the questions if the product you’re pushing is so great?
      Oh, and another thing: masks are just psychopomps. This virus is ~1 micron and most masks only block particulates of 3 microns and higher. I know the virus is usually on respiratory droplets. “Usually” is the key term there.

      1. MARK

        Excellent summary of the risks, and the predictible, pathetic political posturing.
        Thank you.

        1. Mark Kadillak

          I read this article when it 1st came out and have read it from time to time as it struck me in a profound way. I never trusted the vax as it was being forced on people and know have friends who regret taking it and are resentful for the strong arm tactics.

          Anytime censorship is involved there is something to hide…

    4. voza0db

      Propagandists everywhere!

    5. Ron Truelove

      If you’d take the 5 minutes required to read the EUA, you’d know he’s correct. It’s in the first paragraph. “This vaccine is NOT approved for general use.” People like you are doing incredible damage to mankind. The ledger will balance in the end.

    6. Greenjeans

      Clairvaux, I am afraid you are woefully uninformed.

  9. 2L82Pray

    I am still astonished that this happening. That so many people are supporting it. That worse, so many people are advocating for the absolute erasure of anyone who questions it. This is why I won’t get the vaccine. I am not allowed to question it. This is like someone putting a lifelong contract in front of you, a contract you aren’t allowed to fully read, that might, or might not (who can say) destroy your financial future…and then demand that you not read or question what is IN that contract, and furthermore, threaten to have you fired from your job and denied basic human rights for questioning it. Would you refuse to sign? Our very world, the entire world. is coming to an ignoble end.

    1. Ken

      Very well put!

  10. […] The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine […]

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