Evening News, Dec. 10, 2020

#CivilWar was trending on Twitter this morning. Apparently, Rush Limbaugh was talking about the unfortunate possibility of a civil war, while Tim Pool explained why this was not entirely crazy talk.

Look at it this way. Suppose the Supremes take the case and rule in favor of Trump and the Republicans. You know the mainstream media will, barring some (to me) unforeseen circumstance, color it as an enormous miscarriage of justice. It will go far beyond riots. Last summer the MSM and Democratic politicians merely winked at, and subtly encouraged, the riots. But they refuse to let Trump win. They know that, if he does, he’s coming after the Bidens, all the people in bed with China, and more. While they still hold power in about half the states and and half the Congress, as well as the “commanding heights” of Establishment culture, they refuse to let this happen. But they’ll be desperate. And they know their rank and file really and truly believe that Trump is the Devil, worse than Hitler, who will just usher in a new fascist state (because, you know, he’s already started, or something); they’ve been told that so often, anyway. So secession happens, and President Trump gets the military out to stop it. War.

Suppose to the contrary that the Supremes don’t take the case, or rule in favor of Biden and the Democrats. Well, what do you think will happen then? The Republican leadership and rank and file have seen more than enough evidence that (1) Covid-19 was hyped and started in China, (2) China was allowed to spy on and influence U.S. policy for decades, (3) the Bidens were in bed with China (and Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs, and more), not to mention (4) there is some very heavy unfinished business regarding Anthony Wiener’s hard drive and the Clinton Foundation. On top of all that, we have stunning amounts of evidence that (5) the Democrats systematically stole the election. The Republicans cannot allow this group of criminals to ruin the country. One way or another, Trump and his loyalists deny Democrats the right to take over. The Democrats fight back. War.

Not being a political scientist or historian, I have no idea of how plausible all this is. But it sure is worrisome to me. If it happens, I suspect we will all be looking back at now-current events and wondering if the war was not carefully orchestrated—so many previously unlikely (or unknown) events have come together in 2020 to make it possible.

If you want to find products to buy that do not come from China, try ProductFrom.com or ChinaNever.com. If you’re looking for computer stuff, NewEgg.com includes “shipping from” information and links to manufacturer sites, so it’s easier to find out which brands are Chinese.

Pennsylvania House leaders have filed a brief to support Texas…in its lawsuit against the state of Pennsylvania (among others).

A third Muslim country, Morocco, has agreed to normalize relationship with Israel. Not news you can easily learn from the MSM, I imagine. The notion that Jared Kushner, of all people, might have brought this about must be galling. Good. Of course, if Biden takes power, one can easily imagine his people destroying the agreement immediately, somehow, just for spite.

This morning, Trump tweeted that “a coup is taking place in front of our eyes”:

I’m afraid that is how it looks to me, too, considering the shocking breadth and depth of evidence that the election was stolen by dishonest Democrats as well as anti-Trump Establishment Republicans. And that is to say nothing of the profoundly unfair—incredibly undemocratic—way this election was conducted by virtually all involved elements of society. The fact that the American people who are still glued to MSM sources know fairly little about this situation is just incredible and dystopian.

In a dramatic statement that has gotten a lot of play, a Dr. Pierre Kory testified that an established and fairly cheap drug, Invermectin, “basically obliterates transmission of this virus.” In other news of inconvenient doctors, Dr. Kary Mullis, the Nobel prize winning inventor of PCR tests, said “Fauci doesn’t understand medicine, he’s an administrator” and “he has an agenda.” Note, Dr. Mullis is now dead. He said this some years ago, long before Covid-19.

Liberal talking heads want you “held accountable” as “the enemy” for voting for Trump. Chris Cuomo wants Trump voters to lose “way more than this election.” Court jester Olbermann calls for Trump supporters to go to prison.

But civil war? That’s crazy talk.

Well, I am sure there was other news. I have to limit myself. Other things to do!

CORRECTION of this morning’s news: Rep. Eric Swalwell has not been removed yet from the House Intelligence Committee. As of the evening of December 10, he and Nancy Pelosi were being strongly pressured by Republicans to exclude him from the committee, however. How he might remain on the committee when the Republicans on the same committee, at least, have no faith whatsoever in his loyalty, and when the Republicans are in the minority, should be interesting to watch.





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

One response to “Evening News, Dec. 10, 2020”

  1. Great write-up Larry. The media is only against civil war and secession talk, so long as they think Joe Biden has won the election. The moment this turns around, and Trump is close to getting re-elected (through electors being pulled from Biden) then you’ll see them (as they always do) turn on a dime to questioning the legitimacy of Trump’s re-election and the process as undemocratic.

    It’ll actually be hilarious, should it unfold, as I think it might. YouTube who just said – hey you can’t talk about “widespread” election fraud or Biden not really being elected, will now have to enforce that same standard should Trump pull this out.


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