Social Media Strike!

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See also: Declaration of Digital IndependenceFAQ about the project to decentralize social mediaResources

On July 4 and 5 (at least one day), people with serious grievances against social media—including you?—will go on strike. You could, but obviously don’t have to, announce that you are one of the signatories of the Declaration of Digital Independence.

This means we will not use social media on those days, except to post notices that we are on strike. We’re going to make a lot of noise. Nobody will be able to ignore what’s happening. We’re going to flex our collective muscles and demand that giant, manipulative corporations give us back control over our data, privacy, and user experience.

Who: You. The more, the merrier! We’re urging you to go on strike with us. (“We” means nothing more than “all the rest of us who have serious grievances about social media—privacy, free speech, or something else.”)

What: A collective pause in our use of social media, except to post notices and memes that:

  1. Declare that we are on strike. Use hashtag #SocialMediaStrike.
  2. (Optional.) Point to a copy of the Declaration of Digital Independence (preferably, your own; see “How” below). Invite others to sign the Declaration.
  3. Urge others to join the strike. Ask your friends, family, and followers to sign and strike.

Hashtag: #SocialMediaStrike

When: July 4 and 5. At least one day. Striking on both days is likely to be more effective.

Why: We, the strikers, urge the global developer community to perfect a new system of decentralized social media. This strike, if successful, will raise show the world—Big Tech corporations, governments, developers, and social media users—that there is a massive demand for a system in which

  • Each of us individually owns our own data. Each of us individually controls it, just as we have control over our email, text messages, and blogs. It can be totally private, courtesy end-to-end encryption, or totally public; the choice is up to us.
  • Social media services stop acting as silos but become interoperable. If we make a post on one service, it can appear on another service.
  • Instead, social media services compete to create the best user experiences for a common pool of data.
  • Social media services agree upon and use a common, universal set of standards and protocols. This is how social media should have been developed from the beginning, rather than walled off in separate, competing networks.

In this way, social media would works the way websites, email, text messages, and blog hosting and readers work: as neutral service providers.

What we hope will happen:

  • Your followers will start seeing strike notices in their feeds on July 4.
  • Probably, most will ignore the first messages. But more and more notices will be appear. Strikers will start calling out scabs for posting when they should be striking.
  • With luck, by sometime on July 4, feeds will be absolutely flooded with strike notices.
  • When that happens, the news media at all levels will have to report on it.
  • Similarly, Big Social Media will have to issue statements responding to the Declaration and to any public criticisms from many quarters.
  • By the end, everyone will have learned how much support there is for decentralizing social media, taking the control out of the hands of Big Social Media, and returning ownership, control, and privacy to the ordinary user.

How: It should be fairly simple:

  1. Optional, for those signing the Declaration:
    1. Make your own copy of the Declaration: If you have time, energy, and ability, make your own copy of the Declaration. (It’s Creative Commons so this is 100% OK.) I would love for there to be a million copies of this document floating around. If you agree with everything except a few points, fine: make your own edits to your copy. Note: If you do make your own edits, please list them in a Proposed Changes section. If you copy somebody else’s text, clearly link to the version you’re copying.
    2. Sign the declaration. Please at least sign mine. But sign lots of copies (assuming you agree with their changes); I will.
    3. Encourage others to do the same.
  2. Set up a posting bot, if available. Hopefully, a programmer or several will create bots (browser plugins or apps) you can quickly and easily set up to post notices of the strike, links, memes, etc., for you on the appointed dates. Note: I’m not responsible for anything anyone else creates. Please check out any such service’s privacy policies before using it.
  3. Actually go on strike. Don’t post anything on your Big Social Media accounts on July 4 and/or 5 (preferably both days), except posts of the sort described under “What” above.
  4. Feel free to explore alternatives on those days. Those two days would be excellent days to check out the alternative social media sites of your choice, ones that are committed to privacy, security, and free speech; please give your full attention to sites/apps that support the Declaration.

What coders can do to help:

Here are some ideas:

  1. Write a strike bot. This would be a browser plugin or app that posts for users every hour (say) according to their specifications.
  2. Organize and participate in a conversation (I won’t be organizing it myself) to get all social media apps using the same standards. Critique code, in particular on APIs and implementations of existing standards. Help place geek pressure on social networks to adopt common standards.
  3. Help out with open source social media projects. Lots of them can use your help. We need to make them better than the Big Social Media offerings. Working together, FOSS developers can do it!

What bloggers/webmasters of all sorts can do to help:

  1. Host your own copy of the Declaration.
  2. More generally, set up your own websites devoted to the Strike and decentralized social media. Host links to resources. Host memes and images people can share during the strike on social media.

I want this effort to be entirely decentralized. I don’t want it to be centered on, which I’m using just because it’s my own site and I don’t want to set up a new one. I want it to be decentralized—centerless. So please, start something similar on your own blog.

More questions? Read the FAQ.

For a deep dive, see the list of resources.




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Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

67 responses to “Social Media Strike!”

  1. Andy

    I think we should promote the existing decentralized social networks, mainly the ones that are compliant with the recommended W3C standard, ActivityPub, such as Mastodon, Peertube, Friendica, Nextcloud, Pleroma, Misskey, etc. Anyways, I’m in.

    1. I didn’t specify any because I don’t regard it as my place to pick winners and losers. I want to support all of them and let the market/communities pick the winners.

  2. I am head of the group that launched the global antitrust movement by defeating Google in the EU and Australia in the infamous Janice Duffy case. Mr. Sanger is right. There is a sinister plot to the destroy the social media platform it presents unfiltered information to billion of people, and takes control from the corrupt old world media and their monopoly on what we are told and when.

    You can get full information here-and help us STOP THE PLOT by donating to our movement to have public hearings on the matter without those the led the movement to clean up the internet but are 100% opposed to CENSORSHIP (we have formulated a solution to all problems regarding social media and are calling for an equal investigation of the OLD WORLD MEDIA & THE INNATE CORRUPTION WITHIN THE TOP OUTLETS).

  3. Non-user

    One or two days?! Seriously? How about a month? A year? It’s pathetic if people consider one day away from antisocial media a personal sacrifice. Don’t get me wrong; I like the thought behind this campaign, but you should go even farther. How about deleting or deactivating your accounts until these exploitative mega-companies take notice?

    1. ian

      One day is a start. And will include many more people than if it was for a much longer time. After that the next steps could be interesting.
      I understand where you are coming from. I don’t go anywhere near those big networks. But remember, its the users themselves, joining in huge numbers and nagging their friends to join, that have caused the big networks to get complacent and sloppy

  4. If anyone starts a new blog or website this week as part of the strike, let me know! Or post here in the comments. This is a great idea IMHO.

  5. Jonathan Daley

    I’d like to pitch in as a developer to help build better platforms, but I’m not sure where to start. He mentioned contributing to open source projects but didn’t name any specifically. Are there any for-profit social media companies that are doing good things in this area (I’d like to work on this full-time)?

    1. ian

      The only sensible choice is to avoid any closed walled garden network, and join developers on one of the independent decentralised federated ones. Where you join any one that suits you, yet have friends on other networks.

      Check out these indexes of interconnected yet independent networks: and

    2. D J

      Jonathan, I am working on something thats a direct match for the basic criterion you mentioned. You can see some of my rare pseudonymous thoughts on related themes here:
      Please contact me.

  6. Цукерберг чмо, я в деле

  7. Ok i am in ..Completely agree.

  8. I’ve never used the big, closed social media, so I won’t be able to make a statement by not using them. I can host a copy of the declaration on my website, though. To that end, what’s the best way to get a copy to post?

  9. ian

    I can’t strike as I’ve never been on those closed networks. It’s easy to join the decentralised ones with none of the problems I’ve heard that people have on the closed networks. No ads. No corporations. No click bait. No data mining. No threat to cut you off from your friends if you leave. It’s just you and your family and friends.

    Striking for one day is a start. But the next step is leave your family group. Or un-friend them or whatever. Then set up on any decentralised network and invite the family to join any compatible network to the one you chose. Some will follow. some will dig their heels in, as it’s somehow not possible to be on 2 networks.

    If you are the enlightened sort, the golden rule is “Lead, don’t follow”. And especially “Never follow people who are just followers”.

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