18 things about Apple that suck

Apple, how dost thou suck? Let me count the ways:

  1. iTunes, the worst software in the world.
  2. The App Store is a centrally managed walled garden. I can’t run apps Apple hasn’t approved of on my phone, and on my own computer, I have to give special permission to run programs Apple doesn’t like.
  3. iCloud is turned on by default.
  4. Apple brags about how committed to privacy it is, but gives us no credible way of verifying its claims.
  5. I’m forced to use Apple’s default software for several features in iOS such as Siri search.
  6. Because Siri works only when you’re online, I have to share my voice commands to my phone over the Internet, commands which Apple records, processes, and saves for a long time.
  7. Frequently, Apple’s idea of “easy to use” software requires that I take extra steps, and is not particularly easy to use.
  8. Lack of sufficient customization options everywhere. Apple knows best.
  9. OSX is based on BSD, which is FOSS, but OSX is proprietary. They’re contemptible free riders.
  10. Steve Jobs is dead and mere mortals now run the company. (Well, Jobs thought he was a god. He, too, was a mere mortal.)
  11. The company makes some really dumb decisions like getting rid of the 3.5mm audio jack.
  12. Apple encourages too many push notifications, which, I’ve decided, are an attention-hogging evil.
  13. Siri isn’t very good.
  14. If they were a decent company, they wouldn’t practice planned obsolescence, and they sure as hell wouldn’t do it so aggressively.
  15. Apple Stores just really, really suck in many ways. That’d be another whole list.
  16. They’re overpriced. No, not because they’re premium products. When I say they’re “overpriced,” I don’t mean they’re expensive. I mean that they are poor value.
  17. Their CEO thinks he has a divine mission to censor wrongthink.
  18. They use a new proprietary image format (HEIC), if you want to airdrop yourself something from your iPhone to your MacBook. Idiots! Ugh, like I’m totally going to get rid of my Mac OS and this is the main reason why!

Much of this can be chalked up to the whole wretched, arrogant “Apple knows best” mentality. Why do we still give these people our money?

UPDATE: this article is now the #1 search result on Google and DuckDuckGo for “Apple sucks,” which is why so many people like to complain about Apple below. Clearly, there are more than 18 things about Apple that suck.





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

113 responses to “18 things about Apple that suck”

  1. Joshua P

    Ive gone back and forth for years;pc to Mac. Currently on an iPhone 11 & 2019 MacBook Pro. Is there plenty to love, sure. But I primarily purchased on the promise of better security. A concern for privacy. Despite Apple bowing to the Communist regimes overseas, throwing their ideals out the window. I still paid a premium for an idea. Within a year, EFF writes an article about Apple allowing back door access to their texts. You see the brick wall on the road, you just don’t think it’s as close as it is. Also: Itunes moved my music in a recent update, and now I have to waste time and change settings, I can’t “cast” to my Vizeo like I could with Android, SERIOUS lack of settings in ALL programs, landfill filler(chargers, cords, everything really)…but hey, the thing looks sharp?

  2. Fred

    You can buy better, but you can’t pay more.

  3. Carlos

    90% of all macs are not upgradable. They have become like Dell computers… my next computer will be a PC for sure. I am done

  4. R. Gillette

    I agree with you all, every time there is an update my ipad just works even worse than it already had been. With every fix they think they fixed, there is 100 more things they have created that just fucked with something else. Why can’t they get web pages to load? Where did my user names go for logging into my Apple acct.? Why is it being replaced with my name? Why can’t I get my old address off and stop populating, where clearly my new address is in the system?? Why is the touch screen missing letters as I’m touching them, I type a (M) it puts a (Z) on the screen, it did it 3 times in a row?? I upgraded to a newer version, and I’m thinking of going back to my older one! The more they try to improve the iPhone or the iPad the worse it works!! It’s so freaking frustrating!! You look on lone for help and everything is outdated and no help at all. God forbid, I could actually speak to a human in a timely manner! I’d personally like to take my IPad go to Apple Headquarters and wack someone with it!

  5. Alexander

    Want to watch the new sci-fi series Foundation. Nope. Sure you can get Apple tv on your firestick, but only for shows you’ve purchased on an Apple device. Don’t have an Apple device, to bad, go buy an Apple television. What a great streaming service.

  6. The Apple Store, for us, has been a big pain. Apps that are approved by Google Play have been rejected by Apple with little detail as to why. Often, we are asked questions that have absolutely nothing to do with the actual app. It looks like whoever is reviewing their app submission is not paying attention. I would not be surprised if, within the next few years, Google overtakes Apple and gains 90% or more of the app market. No one wants to pay a $99 fee just to publish an app, and then get rejected.

    1. Elvia Hernandez

      I despise Apple. I tried it but even Siri has a superior mentality. Can’t stand her

  7. jonathan

    Came here from that exact Google query. Can’t say why I was searching, I just wanted to read some contrarian opinions that run against the narrative of total hegemony that we are forced into, by default, every day. It’s not like Apple competes on their merits. They are a company that sells mediocre products to an adoring public who are only really interested in impressing their peers with a flashy new toy. Ugh. They are the kings of consumer capitalism – all about the margin, and planned obsolescence. Jobs would be proud.

  8. win7

    I love apple it just works. just kidding. for idiot who cant use a computer..
    lol. for those who dont wanna learn and just want something that turn on and off. i got a better ideas. just watch tv.. and use iphone.. problem solved.

  9. Steve Kelley

    I’m not gonna buy another iPhone iPhone 12 Pro Max sucks waist of money

  10. L

    MBP has to have $600 dock to use with Cinema Display.
    Catalina destroyed Abode Photoshop and Bridge.
    Spend time to write caption on photos in iCloud, download them and the captions are gone.
    Metadata for photos is lost when downloaded from iCloud- YES APPLE people need this and Photoshop to actually WORK, ie to EARN money to buy these now crappy products.
    The keyboard on the MBP is just a little smaller than the one on the MBAIR and you have to endlessly correct “mistakes” because your hands are trained for a better, more ergononmic distance.
    NOTHING flows properly between devices anymore- its just glitches and random.
    When you transfer to a new Apple computer, not quite ALL of your data, infor and settings transfers- like passwords. AGGRAVATING and time consuming.

    I could literally go on for hours. There are more problems than things that work well now. It took me 2 years to start to use my MBP, it was so horrible. My A Watch has been used twice. Computers I bought for my employees are worthless hunks of crud that I spent good money on to replace PCs.

    I called Apple today to solve a phone problem and ask them straight out “say something that makes me feel like you care whatsoever that I remain an Apple customer”. I got transferred to a supervisor (after being on hold for about 10 minutes). The supervisor offered absolutely nothing. They can’t even fake a “your important to us as a customer”. I used to love Apple products and software. NOW I HATE THIS DAMN COMPANY.

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