18 things about Apple that suck

Apple, how dost thou suck? Let me count the ways:

  1. iTunes, the worst software in the world.
  2. The App Store is a centrally managed walled garden. I can’t run apps Apple hasn’t approved of on my phone, and on my own computer, I have to give special permission to run programs Apple doesn’t like.
  3. iCloud is turned on by default.
  4. Apple brags about how committed to privacy it is, but gives us no credible way of verifying its claims.
  5. I’m forced to use Apple’s default software for several features in iOS such as Siri search.
  6. Because Siri works only when you’re online, I have to share my voice commands to my phone over the Internet, commands which Apple records, processes, and saves for a long time.
  7. Frequently, Apple’s idea of “easy to use” software requires that I take extra steps, and is not particularly easy to use.
  8. Lack of sufficient customization options everywhere. Apple knows best.
  9. OSX is based on BSD, which is FOSS, but OSX is proprietary. They’re contemptible free riders.
  10. Steve Jobs is dead and mere mortals now run the company. (Well, Jobs thought he was a god. He, too, was a mere mortal.)
  11. The company makes some really dumb decisions like getting rid of the 3.5mm audio jack.
  12. Apple encourages too many push notifications, which, I’ve decided, are an attention-hogging evil.
  13. Siri isn’t very good.
  14. If they were a decent company, they wouldn’t practice planned obsolescence, and they sure as hell wouldn’t do it so aggressively.
  15. Apple Stores just really, really suck in many ways. That’d be another whole list.
  16. They’re overpriced. No, not because they’re premium products. When I say they’re “overpriced,” I don’t mean they’re expensive. I mean that they are poor value.
  17. Their CEO thinks he has a divine mission to censor wrongthink.
  18. They use a new proprietary image format (HEIC), if you want to airdrop yourself something from your iPhone to your MacBook. Idiots! Ugh, like I’m totally going to get rid of my Mac OS and this is the main reason why!

Much of this can be chalked up to the whole wretched, arrogant “Apple knows best” mentality. Why do we still give these people our money?

UPDATE: this article is now the #1 search result on Google and DuckDuckGo for “Apple sucks,” which is why so many people like to complain about Apple below. Clearly, there are more than 18 things about Apple that suck.





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

113 responses to “18 things about Apple that suck”

  1. Wolfgang Melzer

    1982 i got my first Apple Computer . Until today i only used Apple Hardware .
    But every year a new OS , wich use more RAM even more CPU and supported only new Hardware .Made older one obsolete . I dont like this anymore , a few month ago i startet to learn Linux . It’s not like Mac OS and it’s hard to learn for me . But the funny thing is , slowly i like it .

  2. apple is over priced and does not care at all for the customer once they bought a product there design really sucks older people cant use them and apple does not care

  3. Paul

    I drive for a living and Apple will not let me do any voice commands when my phone is hooked up to my cars Bluetooth. Like sure… It must be safer to just send do everything manually while driving. Apple knows best. Also fuck Apple. In order to do any thing I have to ask Siri to ask google and let google do it. But of course I can’t just ask google. Btw google assistant is amazing.

  4. James

    Palm springs apple store sucks. I can walk right into home depot, but it takes two weeks to get an appointment to change my password on my iPad. Plus they have 2 armed guards at door and ine fat, sweaty, manager. Rude. I hate apple now.

  5. Just got an iPhone 11, it works well with my hearing aids (bluetoothed). EVERYTHING about this phone sucks like the hard vacuum of outer space! I will be back to Samsung soon!

  6. Dave Montague

    I totally agree with your assessment of Apple. Apple has become the “Fingerhut” of computing. Once a Mercedes, Apple computers have taken a back seat to the iPhone which is a complete cluster f#$k. And yes, iTunes absolutely sucks in every way just like the App store. The workflow of any apple product has been destroyed by a group of absolutely stupid product managers who believe more features solve everything.

    HEIC is a complete worthless format and doesn’t even work on a Mac very well. Try clicking on an HEIC image and watch the apple go into a never ending spin. Try uploading HEIC anywhere and it is rejected. What bone headed idiot made that move?

    There are so many things wrong with Apple I don’t even know where to start. As many of us who have been die hard apple fans, we are leaving never to return. PC’s are cheaper and in all practical application, easier to use.

    Apple… the new Fingerhut in computing.

  7. Cere

    Apple are so politically biased they are worse than the BBC, CNN, et al! Will not be buying their products in the future! Go The Donald!

  8. Reg

    apple is sooo bad now. I thought is was ok until trying to use it! The only thing this mac is good for
    is spying on people, scraping all of our information and selling said info to he highest bider. Eerything apple does is funneling every key stroke into some secret holding tank then using
    that to make more and more money… apple calls it the “New Super Duper, You bet Your Ass,
    Best of the Best, Opp Sys!
    Everything apple does is meant to glean every detail of our lives! “here you are people.
    tell uncle apple all about your health”! “give apple all the info you share with your Dr’s!” “apple will keep it safe”
    Sure they will! there is a company that is called the Medical Information Bureau, they scrape info from
    Dr’s, hospitals, and anywhere to sell to insurance companys! I’ll wager old uncle apple has the MIB’s direct
    I can’t use this thing anymore… because… every “upgrade” is really a downgrade! I used to buy and listen to
    books on iTunes but now after the upgrade to catalina nothing works and I can’t find the fix!

    Anything from apple should only be sold where it is made… in China by the Chinese people!
    Maybe if I was a Asian wiz kid I could find the fix, but, sadly, I’m just a guy in the midwest saving
    for another laptop and phone that is anything without an apple logo!!!!

    Thank you for letting me vent!

  9. appleistheworst

    this apple user is becoming a linux user because apple is overpriced and windows gets viruses
    but linux has many applications all free it is fast and user friendly.

  10. appleiscrap

    I forgot to say this in the last comment but apple is overpriced.

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