Category: Religion
The Daily Offload #2
Yeah, this is too long for a “Daily Offload.” I’ll make future installments much shorter. 1. Megan Basham’s criticism of Gavin Ortlund. Basham is a Christian conservative who wrote a book published three […]
The Daily Offload #1
For several years, I have been intending to write more in my blog or start a video series. I never get around to starting in earnest because (a) I am frequently perfectionistic, and […]
Is John 6 proof of the real body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist?
Here I’m basically just using this blog to promote a video I just posted. Readers who have followed my earlier posts on religious topics might find this interesting. I am now a Christian. […]
On Biblical Inspiration
Introduction: the problem The Bible, Christians believe, is inspired. What this means, however, is not at all clear, at least according to philosophical theology, in which there is a variety of theories. It […]
A list of skimmable chapters of the Bible (by ChatGPT-4, as edited by me)
I am constantly amazed by, and testing or playing with, ChatGPT-4. It is, believe it or not, a dab hand at Bible commentary, not that I recommend using it for that purpose. The […]
How to Read the Bible All the Way Through for the First Time
About four years ago, I read the Bible cover-to-cover for the first time. I explained how I did it. It took me 100 days, and yes, as a result, I became a Christian. […]
Several Bible Study Tools and Tricks
There are a lot of great free Bible study resources online. Since I am about to start a new two-year (but in-depth) Bible study on April 2, I thought I would give you […]
An idea for theological self-education
I almost wrote: “a crazy idea for theological self-education” Let me describe what I am doing, and how I might want to go on doing it in the future. This description has two […]
Protected: God Exists
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