The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine

It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.

I want you to stop and reflect on that. Imagine the hubris it required both to carry out this plan and to propagandize the world to carry it out.

“Hubris?” you ask. “What do you mean?”

The Covid vaccines are experimental. The FDA has not approved them. Most vaccines require years to test and approve, in no small part because we want to make sure they don’t have dangerous long-term side effects, which they can have; the CDC has published a list of problems with selected approved vaccines. Many experimental vaccines never make it out of the experimental phase. CNN made similar points back when Trump was, wrongheadedly (I thought so at the time) pushing for rapid approval of the Covid vaccines. Of course, the mercurial news organization hastened to forget all that when the Biden administration decided rapid vaccine deployment was a good idea. They shouldn’t have: for all the good they certainly have done, physicians warn us that vaccines can be dangerous for some, and experimental vaccines are, naturally, even more so.

It is an objective, indisputable fact: never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity, billions of us, at the same time.

Again, my point is simple and absolutely factual:

  • experimental vaccine
  • billions of people (over two billion)
  • at the same time

You have to be willing to trust the welfare of billions of people not just to the honesty of our leaders and scientists—because things can go wrong for decent people. You must also trust their competence—and not just that, because competent people can make surprising, unforeseeable mistakes. You must also trust that we avoided the worst, that we dodged a bullet, and that they actually succeeded in making a more or less safe vaccine.

Of course, maybe they did. I sure hope so. But what if we discover some horrifically high incidence of catastrophic side-effects that do not show up for two or five or ten years? Scientists tell us that that is possible. It is unfortunately possible that more people will die from these experimental vaccines than would have died from a virus that kills fewer than 1% of those who contract it.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not claiming that is happening. I am not even saying that it is terribly likely. I am saying it is possible, because these are experimental vaccines.

Frankly, the hubris required for carrying out this plan, and for taking the lead in propagandizing the world to carry it out, is jaw-dropping and scary to me. If a world leader is willing to take such gambles with all of humanity, what else are they prepared to do? I really wonder. If suddenly you became a president or top medical system leader or media organization owner, would you want to take an action that, if you were wrong, might spell the death of millions? First, do no harm. We haven’t heard that old medical byword very much recently.

My family received our childhood vaccinations, by the way, with no issues. I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am an anti-global-all-at-once-experimental-vaxxer. There is a big difference.

This is not even to touch the question whether these experimental vaccines should be mandated, i.e., if you should lose your basic civil rights if you fail to be vaccinated. Maybe I will write about that question, definitely a non-medical question, separately another time. There is indeed much, much more to say.

But my present point is simple: experimental vaccine—billions of people—at the same time. It utterly boggles the mind that so many otherwise reasonable people have been influenced to think this is a good idea.






Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

64 responses to “The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine”

  1. Sky Fielding

    This is definitely worth a read

    quote : “Elements of scapegoating such as dehumanization, rumor-mongering, stereotyping, punishment-as-justice, and mob mentality are alive within dissident communities as they are in the mainstream. Any who ride those powers to victory will create a new tyranny no better than the previous.”

  2. […] Verfasst von Wikipedia-Mitbegründer Larry Sanger via  […]

  3. Kevin

    Informed Consent. The lack of which will be the next fly at the picnic for the global cabal. Get popcorn and place Attorney on speed dial.
    This was always a money opportunity for some. I’m just here to reduce their margins.
    Either you were informed or you were not. Class action ala big tobacco is next. Followed by a few pieces of “cake” from the grifters to split among the proletariat. Attorneys on both sides get paid and the circle is complete.
    Now, from a clinical standpoint, I’ve never been more disappointed in physicians, pharmacists, et al. The pathway and processes publicly imposed by the experts are antithetical to our entire body of training and experience. And yet, here we are.

    1. BJ

      If anything positive arises from this it will be the exposure of corruption at the WHO and the CDC. I think we’ve all learned these are clearly not oversite nor protection agencies. Or the fact that so many medical professionals could be this ignorant. Two of my personal physicians both strongly recommended these lethal injections. One of which actually is now working for J & J. The other I will no longer use. They are clearly beholden to these pharmaceutical companies.

      I print out all of these articles and peer reviewed studies and hand them out to everyone when they advocate these lethal injections. It’s only way to win this war. I also left several of them in an envelope on my doctors car after my LAST visit. I’m curious to see if he continues to insist people get the injection. It is beyond shocking they could possibly be this ill-informed.

      BTW both these doctors were leaders in the field of rheumatology. Months to get an appointment with either. I finally realize just how lethal all drugs are and have begun to switch to natural remedies instead. It’s a revolving door.

  4. Gregory Wade

    Given the nature of hubris–you word not mine–it’s more than likely:

    “Do not misunderstand me. I am not claiming that is happening. I am not even saying that it is terribly likely. I am saying it is possible, because these are experimental vaccines.”

    The global vaccination scheme will most assuredly surpass all previous schemes in terms of the scale of the evil being perpetuated. Hitler, Lenin, FDR were small time in comparison.


    This whole thing isn’t experimental. The CRISPR mRNA gene editing technology maybe relatively new from the last decade. They’ve been gaming this who scenario we’re going through for a very long time. EVENT 201 in October of 2019. But this is all about their agenda for the 21st Century, or now their AGENDA 2030, formerly AGENDA 21 from 1992. Reducing CO2 is really depopulation, you are the Carbon they want to get rid of. Hubris indeed, it most certainly is that…

    “We of course, will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people you imagine! We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old and the weak, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of the idiots will thus be done by itself: They will go to the slaughter house on their own.” – excerpted from the novel “The Future of Life” by Bilderberger Jacques Attali, published in 1981

  6. John

    Statistics…that beautiful faceless, nameless mathematical way of looking at life and death options.
    Let’s take the same approach…but assign some faces to those statistical variables, shall we? Everyone can play along.
    Let’s assume, just to start easy, a 1% death rate to a COVID infection and a 1% to a vaccination resulting in death…for now.
    Two groups of 100 each, and I will be the statistic in group 1: 65, overweight, type II diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Bad life choices, neglectful in health.
    In group 2, all college kids of say 19 years old, is YOUR son: 19, in great health, college football player with aspirations of going pro, getting married and starting a family. BUT…your son WILL die from a bad case of myocarditis from the vaccine. He is the statistic.

    Scenario 1: Nobody is vaccinated, both groups get infected with COVID, I WILL die, and I alone.

    Scenario 2: Group 1 CHOOSES to get vaccinated, having considered the risks of the vaccine and a COVID infection, based on their analysis of their health. Nobody dies, not even me. But even if I do, from either infection or vaccine, I did the best I could.

    Scenario 3: The school, employer or government MANDATES the vaccine. Everyone must take it, or cannot attend school, work, fly, whatever. No coercion there right. YOUR son dies!

    The government just sentenced your son to death, in order to save my life (recall my health). A straight shooter, never a crime, a bright future…GONE!

    Now comes your turn to play in this little game. Was your son’s life worth it? I mean, the BENEFITS (my life) outweigh the RISKS (your son’s life). Of course the same benefit could be obtained in scenario 2, but no matter, government knows best.
    But wait John, you have the statistics on vaccine related deaths all wrong! It’s not 1%! Ahhh, your right, my bad.
    Please, multiply the number in group 2 by 10 until you get to a rate where you then believe your son’s life is finally less valuable, insignificant, sacrificial, and then share that number with all.
    Me? I’m still multiplying…

  7. Endle$$ Boo$ter$

    The fact that governments worldwide are acting as though there’s no such thing as naturally acquired immunity points strongly to a conspiracy.
    Naturally acquired immuinty is superior to any vaccine and to ignore this is beyond absurd. Billions of people through casual infection will already be immune to this virus (and it’s varients) for a lifetime. Why then push the largely unnecessary, experimental vaccine’s on people who don’t need them? It makes no sense. Personally, I think the vax passport is the endgame.

  8. Connecting The Dots

    I read recently that the FDA is planning to approve the vaccine in September. If this happens, then any semblance of not being in the pockets of big pharma will have been shed. It takes years, often more than a decade to gain approval of new drugs, and approval this quickly would show that it was a political and economic decision, not a medical one.

    I just wonder whether that once the FDA (not a matter of if , but when) approves the “vaccine”, will the legal immunity of the “vaccine” manufacturers be withdrawn?

    I consider myself a realist, and would place my bets on “no”.

  9. Ken Carroll, Jr.

    Dear Mr. Sanger,

    That is an awesome way to sum up the current events, but why is all this happening? Why are you thinking of this? I believe I have the answer. God has placed this on your heart.

    The Bible says in the last of the last days there will come a man who is empowered by Satan who “…forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Revelation 13:16-17

    “FORCED ALL PEOPLE.” This is what’s coming. This is the mindset. This is the answer to the unbelievable hubris of our leaders and it’s going to get worse and worse. We can’t stop it, but we can save ourselves. Soon our time on this planet will end. My time will end and your time will end. The only question is, what’s next?

    The Bible says our body will die, but our soul and spirit will live forever. So where do we go when we die? Our great and awesome God has given the choice to us. We can live with Him or be eternally separated from Him. In 2014 I chose to live with Him and I hope you will do the same.

    To be with God for all eternity you have to believe in His only Son Jesus who died on a cross, was buried, three days later was raised from the dead, and now is with His Father in Heaven. How do become a believer? Admit you are a sinner (lying, stealing, lust) and ask Jesus to forgive you. Believe that Jesus died for your sins. Call out to Lord Jesus and ask Him to forgive you. Pray to God and tell Him you believe in His Son. Ask Jesus to save you and be the Lord of your life and He will. This is the only way.

    Afterward find a Bible believing church and let them know you’ve been saved. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how bad your life has been, how much you have hurt people or been hurt. Jesus will wash it all away. In Heaven there will be former murders, rapists, thieves, molesters, and every other kind of sinner. All forgiven!

    The end of time has started. It’s just going to get worse and worse. We can’t stop it, but we can save ourselves. I’m praying for your salvation.

    1. Glen Cole, Jr.


    1. Barbara J Newland

      Please go to Doug Billings On The Right Side BEK news and listen to Fri.Aug. 6 interviews,
      lst. with Jason Frank who was at the Capitol on Jan. 6,2021 and took photos proving the lies of Policeman Hodges testimony…he was beaten by the Trump mob, as the photos show he is fine.,and not hurt at all. But the next interview is with General Tom Mc Innery…about covid, Big Tech, vaccines, etc. and listen to what he says, very important for our well being. Then form your own opinion.

    2. Sir Rick

      I hate the way everybody still keeps calling these “shots” a “vaccine”
      These shots are NOT vaccines.

      They are “Messenger RNA” (mRNA) which after being injected, sends messages to your immune system, which alters DNA.
      These have never ever prior to now been used on humans.

      They are now causing the deaths of a large and increasing number of those formerly healthy people who have had the shots’

      I believe they are made for two reasons –
      -1 – to control (radically lower) the world’s population
      -2 – massive payout to those who are behinds their creation and distribution.

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