I am thinking of making a news and commentary blog rather than spending any significant time commenting on Twitter. To explore that idea, which I would execute over the holidays rather than take much work time, I thought I would make a brief sample post. So here goes. (Let me know what you think in the comments below.)
Boy, have I ever picked a doozy of a day to report about. I mean, there is a lot of huge news.
Surely one of the biggest stories is that Eric Swalwell was supposedly removed from the House Intel Committee. CORRECTION: He has not been removed yet. As of the evening of December 10, he and Nancy Pelosi were being strongly pressured by Republicans to exclude him from the committee. That is, of course (the story broke big three days ago), because he was “involved in an effort by a reported spy”—the colorfully named, now infamous, Fang Fang—”to gather info for China.” So says Kevin McCarthy, anyway. This is significant because the House is Democrat-run, meaning even the current radical and deeply compromised batch of Democrats cannot defend this person, who increasingly looks to be a traitor. And no doubt there are many more, considering that Prof. Di Dongsheng admitted that the Chinese Communists have been influencing American politicians through Wall Street for decades.
In news closer to home, the Chinese fangs were sunk deep into the mayor of an unnamed “obscure city”—in Ohio. Boy, this girl gets around.
Wait, so…ol’ Fang Fang was actually drawing salary and travel expenses from the Democratic Party?

Apparently, it’s news that some guy named Larry Sanger announced a boycott of YouTube. (Direct link to the Revolver front page, which is surprisingly difficult to find if you don’t know it’s called “Revolver News”.)
A deeply disturbing sign of the times is that family doctor Jereth Kok was investigated and suspended from medical practice for sharing Christian beliefs. Yes, really. What sort of beliefs? Just “about abortion, about sexuality and so-called ‘LGBT’ issues, and that whole issue of doctors performing so-called ‘gender transitions’.” Got that? In Australia—hence, in many places in the West—you may not speak publicly about such issues if you have the wrong views. Much more, highly interesting background in an interview. I wish Dr. Kok all the best and I strongly suspect that the Lord will reward him. We should all seek to emulate Dr. Kok and not self-censor at all. Continue to speak out, if anything, more loudly and persistently, because they will definitely win if we allow ourselves to be silenced by the New Censors.
If you can believe this, the FBI has finally changed its story about Seth Rich. The FBI now admits that it has thousands of pages of documents of Seth Rich, and it also has custody of his laptop. Gee, OK. It’s “just another story” today.
It seems Pres. Trump has tapped Sen. Ted Cruz to argue the Texas lawsuit before the Supreme Court. Not sure the president is in a position to hire people for that particular job, but maybe.
Eighteen states that have joined Texas in its lawsuit against the four swing states that ran their elections unconstitutionally. “On Tuesday evening, the Supreme Court ordered the defendant states to reply by 3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10.” Cautiously optimistic that, with this amount of support and considering both the importance and the strength of the case against the violators, the Supremes will actually take up the case.
It was announced, through the “Biden Harris Transition” team, that Hunter Biden’s taxes are being investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Delaware.
Have I missed any big stories du jour that I should have included above? Please share them below.
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