18 things about Apple that suck

Apple, how dost thou suck? Let me count the ways:

  1. iTunes, the worst software in the world.
  2. The App Store is a centrally managed walled garden. I can’t run apps Apple hasn’t approved of on my phone, and on my own computer, I have to give special permission to run programs Apple doesn’t like.
  3. iCloud is turned on by default.
  4. Apple brags about how committed to privacy it is, but gives us no credible way of verifying its claims.
  5. I’m forced to use Apple’s default software for several features in iOS such as Siri search.
  6. Because Siri works only when you’re online, I have to share my voice commands to my phone over the Internet, commands which Apple records, processes, and saves for a long time.
  7. Frequently, Apple’s idea of “easy to use” software requires that I take extra steps, and is not particularly easy to use.
  8. Lack of sufficient customization options everywhere. Apple knows best.
  9. OSX is based on BSD, which is FOSS, but OSX is proprietary. They’re contemptible free riders.
  10. Steve Jobs is dead and mere mortals now run the company. (Well, Jobs thought he was a god. He, too, was a mere mortal.)
  11. The company makes some really dumb decisions like getting rid of the 3.5mm audio jack.
  12. Apple encourages too many push notifications, which, I’ve decided, are an attention-hogging evil.
  13. Siri isn’t very good.
  14. If they were a decent company, they wouldn’t practice planned obsolescence, and they sure as hell wouldn’t do it so aggressively.
  15. Apple Stores just really, really suck in many ways. That’d be another whole list.
  16. They’re overpriced. No, not because they’re premium products. When I say they’re “overpriced,” I don’t mean they’re expensive. I mean that they are poor value.
  17. Their CEO thinks he has a divine mission to censor wrongthink.
  18. They use a new proprietary image format (HEIC), if you want to airdrop yourself something from your iPhone to your MacBook. Idiots! Ugh, like I’m totally going to get rid of my Mac OS and this is the main reason why!

Much of this can be chalked up to the whole wretched, arrogant “Apple knows best” mentality. Why do we still give these people our money?

UPDATE: this article is now the #1 search result on Google and DuckDuckGo for “Apple sucks,” which is why so many people like to complain about Apple below. Clearly, there are more than 18 things about Apple that suck.





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

113 responses to “18 things about Apple that suck”

  1. bill will

    cant play celestial radio when carplay is connected. i’m sure the little sniveling shits at apple would think “well who would want to do that” cant make a phone call with carplay yet. JVC say its an apple thing wait for their update. apple says ohh please update the firmware in your radio…
    like who in the eff wants to do that song and dance. i thought lets do a support thing with apple and see how much fun that is. WE’LL BE BACK. LOL that’s what the apple support site says.

  2. Beacon Hill

    Apple has become the actual tyrannical monolith they decried in their (in)famous “1984” commercial. They demand allegiance despite their significant shortcomings, gaslight customers that no, they don’t suck, it’s actually you who need to get with the Apple program, and as such are the tech embodiment of government overreach.

    Number 17 on your list is my #1.

  3. Gunga Din 601

    Don’t forget how Apple refuses to let you avoid robocalls by boolean filtering! They won’t even let apps from developers sell such a simple common aid. HOW AND HOW MUCH $$$ is Apple making by forcing us to receive robocalls and crooks calling ???? I have four Apple tvs to sell as we transitioned to Amazon and will be going back to Windows and simpler phones.

    1. Going back to Windows? Perish the thought. Go forward…to Linux. It’s better. Just trust me.

  4. jim ostrenga

    this process of login in each time with all your info is painful enough but now with the added “verification code” just makes this process more painful. Just bought a new computer had to “authorize” this new computer. Had to utilize the “infamous” verification code. Apple give you two options to obtain this code; via telephone or e-mail! Forget the e-mail message it never arrives!! Then you the phone message option is tried and you receive a message that the recent arrived code “is not valid?” Hey you jerks at we paid for this music service, we downloaded this music, let us play this music without all the obstacles you place in front of us! Dear Apple staff may you get locked in pay toilets for eternity!

  5. Thomas Lichtenstein

    Apple tells me that I have to sign in to apple every week, sometimes 5~7 times per week!
    After I get a new password, Apple tells me they cannot verify my account. Even if I save it to my password vault, c,opy and paste. Still no go. Apple sucks shit beyond any measure imaginable. No other website app, or anything I’ve ever used has been this annoying and a continuous hassle. I want every Apple executive to suffer waterboarding and more until they swear not to ever do this again. I HATE YOU! Apple, I hope you die in a flaming car wreck.

  6. Mr. Moore

    I can NOT get my fcuking photots out of my iPhone and my wife’s iPhone and I’m a programmer with several US Patents in digital signal processing and 25 years exoerience. FCUK APPLE!!.

  7. Al

    I am highly dissatisfied and disappointed with the apple products. I bought a MacPro three years ago; I paid $1900. I did not purchase an extended warranty. My MacPro screen went black. After online support and in-store support, they asked me to pay a flat rate of $700 to help me. Needless to say that I can’t afford that amount at this time! Horrible and overpriced. Not worth it!

    1. Mark

      Bought my MacBook Pro in 2012, and it still runs solid after 9 years, never had any breakdowns. Of course I hate the fact that I can’t do any more OS updates beyond High Sierra, and I don’t plan on shelling out $2,000 for the crap Apple is trying to sell today. It’s more fun to buy a Windows PC and do a Linux install.

  8. Lynn Carlson

    Apple is the biggest and dirtiest Whore of the American corporations. They steal from their customers on a regular basis. How do I know? Because the dirty MF did it to me and I didn’t even get a kiss! My advice is to go straight to your bank and then file fraud complaints! Apple really tried to discourage me from doing that with implied threats about my account being shutdown and having to call in to get it reactivated. Do not fall for that!

  9. Ex advisor

    I used to work for Apple as a tech advisor for iOS, watch and iTunes. I quit because Apple consistently found ways to disappoint me and the customers. I often found myself explaining Apple’s backwards policies to paying customers and fraud victims and it became obvious to me that Apple has become a scammy peddler of over-promised gadgets, fine print and hidden costs.

  10. FeedMEdonuts

    iTunes sucks! and Apple Music is only really used across North America.
    Limited internal hard drive.
    Every time a new IOS is downloaded, it changed all my settings to automatic.
    File transfer is a nightmare
    Built in software is a nightmare
    iTunes and Apple Music is a nightmare
    The way Apple upgrades your phone with a new IOS actually slows down ur CPU processing power thus leading to a built in obsolescence.
    Lack of customization
    Apple nasty habit if changing the design of connection jacks under the banner of improving ur phone instead of nickeling and dining customers.
    Pro environmental product facade like the wireless iPhones (seriously don’t buy them! It is impossible to repair the damn things without damaging them). I had mines for 13 months (gift) and the left ear pod no longer works.
    Safari suck.

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