18 things about Apple that suck

Apple, how dost thou suck? Let me count the ways:

  1. iTunes, the worst software in the world.
  2. The App Store is a centrally managed walled garden. I can’t run apps Apple hasn’t approved of on my phone, and on my own computer, I have to give special permission to run programs Apple doesn’t like.
  3. iCloud is turned on by default.
  4. Apple brags about how committed to privacy it is, but gives us no credible way of verifying its claims.
  5. I’m forced to use Apple’s default software for several features in iOS such as Siri search.
  6. Because Siri works only when you’re online, I have to share my voice commands to my phone over the Internet, commands which Apple records, processes, and saves for a long time.
  7. Frequently, Apple’s idea of “easy to use” software requires that I take extra steps, and is not particularly easy to use.
  8. Lack of sufficient customization options everywhere. Apple knows best.
  9. OSX is based on BSD, which is FOSS, but OSX is proprietary. They’re contemptible free riders.
  10. Steve Jobs is dead and mere mortals now run the company. (Well, Jobs thought he was a god. He, too, was a mere mortal.)
  11. The company makes some really dumb decisions like getting rid of the 3.5mm audio jack.
  12. Apple encourages too many push notifications, which, I’ve decided, are an attention-hogging evil.
  13. Siri isn’t very good.
  14. If they were a decent company, they wouldn’t practice planned obsolescence, and they sure as hell wouldn’t do it so aggressively.
  15. Apple Stores just really, really suck in many ways. That’d be another whole list.
  16. They’re overpriced. No, not because they’re premium products. When I say they’re “overpriced,” I don’t mean they’re expensive. I mean that they are poor value.
  17. Their CEO thinks he has a divine mission to censor wrongthink.
  18. They use a new proprietary image format (HEIC), if you want to airdrop yourself something from your iPhone to your MacBook. Idiots! Ugh, like I’m totally going to get rid of my Mac OS and this is the main reason why!

Much of this can be chalked up to the whole wretched, arrogant “Apple knows best” mentality. Why do we still give these people our money?

UPDATE: this article is now the #1 search result on Google and DuckDuckGo for “Apple sucks,” which is why so many people like to complain about Apple below. Clearly, there are more than 18 things about Apple that suck.





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

113 responses to “18 things about Apple that suck”

  1. I’m so sick of the constant nagging by game center ( another child of satan that cannot/willnot be controlled) to have me log in and play with others, that I have just deleted all the game apps. I simply don’t need the crap. Now, where is that old GameBoy?

  2. Monot

    Oh yes, for so many reasons. When you find a bug, and hundreds of thousands of others find the same bug, they ignore everyone. They simply do not care about any issue brought up to them.

    I have a relatively new MacBook Pro. It turns on whenever you open it, even if it is supposedly “powered off” and you supposedly have to press the power button to power it on. This sucks in so many ways — not the least of which is if you ever want to wipe down the keyboard. This was never an issue on my old laptop, and it would be easy for them to give people a way to disable this, but they don’t.

    Just because your earbuds are plugged in does not mean you want to have music suddenly playing on your iPhone or laptop after you hang up a zoom meeting, phone call or any other reason for having your earbuds plugged in. When this happens on your iPhone, if you’re not aware, it just starts playing music randomly and drains battery.

    Just search on either of these and you’ll find forums full of suggested work-arounds and/or fixes, and notes to report directly to Apple, but they ignore everyone.

    There are so many more issues, but I don’t have time…

  3. John English

    Apple sucks. I have three older, classic iPods. Many with music loaded from my CD collection and online sources other than Apple (did I mention that Apple sucks). My wife got me a new iPod and I got a new computer. Trying to load songs from an old iPod onto the new computer and then sync it to the new iPod has been absurd. I now have MOST of my music library on the new computer but syncing it just isn’t working. It keeps insisting that I verify MY email but it won’t allow me to use MY email that I have had – literally – for decades. I am trapped in an endless loop of nonsense. Yes, Apple sucks.

  4. Pete

    Let’s not be all negative, please.
    Even though Big Not Sur has some nice features, without question.

    For the first time in apple history, we are allowed to turn off the starting sound! YAY!!!

    But seriously: All that pre-installed sh** is getting worse and it even cannot be removed.
    Like apple.tv, stock, quicktime, books, calender, messages, music, siri, itunes, icloud and ikissmyshinymetalass.

    Is there any way to change that horrible login screen?
    This toys-r-us design is is giving me eye cancer (seriously).

    I tried everything to change it but it wont let me.
    even onyx could not do it.

    The 31 MB file is located files in system/library/Desktop Pictures
    it is labeled “big sure graphic.heic”

    Would be nice to replace it with something eye friendly like big sur night or solid black.
    It seems these files are exclusively locked by the system.

  5. Alan Carey

    Apple sucks.Your really going to go after free speech.I suppose if you could you would try to control my thoughts also.You have violated what you said you stand for. No surprise to me. This is going to blow back on u in a big way.Shameful.

  6. H

    Censorship is wrong you should be ashamed of yourself why don’t you censor pedifiles or people who make bombs? Americans should be able to talk with each other and debate together. I am cancelling my account

    1. Maggie walker

      chile apple is trash … tell me why my screen broke by itself, I never dropped my iPad or slammed it down. This (iPad 7 gen) one day while I was getting in the car and I looked at my iPad screen I was broke and a couple of weeks before my iPad started to sound like inside it was craking but at first, there was only a little small crack that came out of nowhere. Then after all this maybe a month my Ipad started to heat up and then, kept turning on and off out of nowhere and I was very upset because my grandfather’s iPad doesn’t even do this and he got his in 2014. This iPad cost too much for me to be paying over 300$ to get it fixed so yeah apple is trash .

  7. John

    Yes planned obsolescence. They should get what’s coming to them

  8. Just go use an Android made by the company like how you mostly use the search engine made by Google idiots!!!

    1. aye yo calm down he/ she is giving a heads up to people if tehy are thinking of buying apple

  9. yes totally agree %1000000000000000000

  10. This Little Brother

    Used to be amazingly streamlined and intuitive. iTunes, basically a searchable foldering system for music and artwork, voila! But subtly at first they Encroached and began setting up shop within the apps and within your data and now iTunes is a bloated nightmare made only a cautionary tale by the much worse Apple Music.
    Years ago they lost me when I awoke (and yes, I had auto-updates set to NEVER occur without my having had entered my Admin Password) and lo and behold, new OS waiting for me that deleted all self uploaded music from CDs, as well as all Burned Mixes from Pro Tools, and it bricked my Audio Interface and this happened all across LA Studios that day.
    Somehow athletes are all about feelings and tech nerds are bullies. Apple, you’re Chief among them. With any due respect, please, do us all the kindness of slipping into a K-Hole amidst one of your Silicon Beach or Silicon Valley Cuddle Puddle Parties and spare us all your tyrancuckal reign any further.

    All Developers from whom You’ve Stolen Apps, Designs, and Functionality from in Your Theft Store

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