18 things about Apple that suck

Apple, how dost thou suck? Let me count the ways:

  1. iTunes, the worst software in the world.
  2. The App Store is a centrally managed walled garden. I can’t run apps Apple hasn’t approved of on my phone, and on my own computer, I have to give special permission to run programs Apple doesn’t like.
  3. iCloud is turned on by default.
  4. Apple brags about how committed to privacy it is, but gives us no credible way of verifying its claims.
  5. I’m forced to use Apple’s default software for several features in iOS such as Siri search.
  6. Because Siri works only when you’re online, I have to share my voice commands to my phone over the Internet, commands which Apple records, processes, and saves for a long time.
  7. Frequently, Apple’s idea of “easy to use” software requires that I take extra steps, and is not particularly easy to use.
  8. Lack of sufficient customization options everywhere. Apple knows best.
  9. OSX is based on BSD, which is FOSS, but OSX is proprietary. They’re contemptible free riders.
  10. Steve Jobs is dead and mere mortals now run the company. (Well, Jobs thought he was a god. He, too, was a mere mortal.)
  11. The company makes some really dumb decisions like getting rid of the 3.5mm audio jack.
  12. Apple encourages too many push notifications, which, I’ve decided, are an attention-hogging evil.
  13. Siri isn’t very good.
  14. If they were a decent company, they wouldn’t practice planned obsolescence, and they sure as hell wouldn’t do it so aggressively.
  15. Apple Stores just really, really suck in many ways. That’d be another whole list.
  16. They’re overpriced. No, not because they’re premium products. When I say they’re “overpriced,” I don’t mean they’re expensive. I mean that they are poor value.
  17. Their CEO thinks he has a divine mission to censor wrongthink.
  18. They use a new proprietary image format (HEIC), if you want to airdrop yourself something from your iPhone to your MacBook. Idiots! Ugh, like I’m totally going to get rid of my Mac OS and this is the main reason why!

Much of this can be chalked up to the whole wretched, arrogant “Apple knows best” mentality. Why do we still give these people our money?

UPDATE: this article is now the #1 search result on Google and DuckDuckGo for “Apple sucks,” which is why so many people like to complain about Apple below. Clearly, there are more than 18 things about Apple that suck.





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

113 responses to “18 things about Apple that suck”

  1. Richard Greene

    Support system sux. I hate the fact got to use two factor authentication every time I’m trying to use my products. Can’t even buy music bc it needs a code which is set up to my email. Got 0 emails. Apple

  2. Steve Jobs

    It’s amazing how someone blames Apple for forgetting THEIR password and changing THEIR numbers without updating account information. 90% of you idiots would have a much easier time if you actually LEARNED how the devices you depend on actually work. I can’t say Apple is perfect, or even the best option for everyone, but I can say you won’t get the same support or ease of use out of a PC. Yeah.. call Microsoft and get them to spend an hour troubleshooting with your entitled ass.. for free. You live in a dream world.

  3. Apple TV bought Charlie Brown and now my family and I can’t watch it for Thanksgiving OR Christmas because now it’s only available on Apple TV. Everyone should get a Samsung/Android. The cameras are way better, they’re not overpriced, and they don’t really scam you.

  4. Bruno Henrique Cunha

    For some reason my ipad decided to stop asking for fingerprint and started asking for my password to install apps. The password does not work and now I have to wait God knows how long (they will let me know within the next 24h how long I’ll have to wait) to reset my password…it could be days just so I can install an app that I need right now. It is so f…ing stupid.

  5. The Truth Hurts


  6. Terry pissed off

    I hate this iPad mini, 80% of the things I want to download, Apple/Safari either doesn’t allow or the iOS isn’t capable and so on. Worst money ever spent, hard to work with, pages constantly having to reload. Those at Apple Headquarters are determined to destroy this company and the legacy f Steve Jobs

  7. Carl Mack

    Thank you Larry, or whoever penned these 18. And ur right, that’s just off the top. You work your ass off, you pay good money for something, that is much ballyhooed, you sit down to do something like send a 7m video, like all your friends are going all the time….Not for you…FILE IS TOO LARGE, BUT IF YKU DO THIS THIS AND THIS,..,,,,AND THEN THIS, it may go thru, meanwhile your dumbass friend is sending a movie length video with her cheapass MOTOROLA via METRO PCS and she’s smiling like MonaLisa

  8. Yes, I whole-heartedly agree, APPLE SUCKS! When I got an iPHONE I automatically gor the itunes, unrequested, unwanted and, seemingly, without Recourse. Here I am 7 years later, and I could have made really good use of that $9.95/month these morons are charging me. I tried several frustrating attempts to get them to stop. to give me a Refund or whatever, all in vain. It’s a nice way to A) Frustrate the Shit out of your “Customers”; by B) Charging them for Services they NEVER Wanted in the FIRST PLACE C) while your FU**ing Company Makes a HUGE FU**ing PROFIT by Making it IMPOSSIBLE to D) CANCEL this DAMN SERVICE you NEVER WANTED or REQUESTED in the FIRST PLACE!!! YES, FOLKS, this DOES INDEED SUCK!

  9. Stewart

    No pro graphics anymore. Nvidia Quadros are required for most highend graphics and scientific software.

    No pro software, most pro software is third party, won’t run well or at all on Arm based chips, plus there’s that whole missing graphics as mentioned previously.

    Touch Bar. Actually kills efficiency. Hard function are required in most softwares.

    Mag safe was brilliant. Of course Tim would kill this then.

    Ear phones via plug were universal. Of course Apple would kill this with bad latency ridden Bluetooth connections that suck. Gullible audience.

    Latest fiasco is to sell phones that won’t even work out of the box. After you purchase the required items separately then that one heck of a price increase. Sycophants and fools only need apply.

    Almost forgot, iTunes artist pictures has been broken for 5 years now ( as of 2020) along with any Mac Pro running nividia GPU hardware, sold by Apple and killed by Apple !

    I could go on and on. Apple once brilliant sucks now under Tim the pc accountant,

  10. Pamela

    Apple you make nothing easy, it took me more th a 3 mins to find thrillers which is unacceptable. you guy are racist and do no put you main up fro t and co skeet the searches from african america. or even marino…highly considering other music platform because you guys suck

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