WatchKnow’s new FREE app

WatchKnow has finally released its iApp.  Not that I am biased or anything (I did design it), but I think it is one of the best educational apps in the app store.

More details anon.





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

3 responses to “WatchKnow’s new FREE app”

  1. Julia

    I have a video request :)! For your “Counting to 100 fast” videos – could you make new versions that count backwards?? I’ve read it’s just as important to count backwards so that children are comfortable with subtraction. I would LOVE it if you were able to that! We are really enjoying the current versions!

  2. Hi Julia, I’m pretty sure we’ll have an iPad version before too long. It’s annoying that there isn’t one, I agree.

    There’s a way to save favorites (in a very fancy directory format, or a normal, flat format) on the website, but it’s not yet a feature of the app to let people log in and see their favorites. That might be in a later version…

  3. Julia

    Great!! I just downloaded it! Do you plan to have an iPad version? Also, is there a way to save your personal favorites? A list of your personal top 10 or so? Thank you! Looking forward to using the app!

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