WatchKnow Reader coding gets under way!

I’m really pumped now!  Technical development of WatchKnow Reader (tentative name) is now officially under way.  After months of planning, requirements writing, and demo’ing, we are now starting a proof of concept that the software can be coded in HTML5.  Yes, we’re hoping to go with HTML5 so we can write the code just once, and then use it across all browsers and platforms.  After that we’ll be diving into what I think will be the best free program to teach reading the world has seen.  You’ll be able to use it on all major browsers or on your iPhone (etc.) or Droid machine.

The Reader app will have these features:

  • Around 40 word lists, each list corresponding to one (or a few) phonetic rules, and the lists arranged in order.  One presentation per word list.
  • Each word is sounded out slowly and quickly, then blended slowly and quickly.
  • The phoneme currently being read will always be highlighted, making it super-easy for kids to match up letters with sounds.
  • A person will read the word to the camera, so kids can actually see someone saying the word (this is off by default but can be turned on so it is always displayed).
  • After the word comes a picture (either a photograph or a realistic illustration–I think we’ll have both, intermixed) that perfectly illustrates the word.
  • Then, the word will either be defined or used in a sentence that highlights its meaning.
  • The sentence will have its own picture, too.  Hopefully, we’ll have some video as well.  (I’m very hopeful we’ll hear back from a major stock photography company next week, that we’ll be able to use their stuff free of charge.)
  • We’ll have a whole variety of variations, too: you’ll be able to skip the sounding-out; you’ll be able to play only words, or only sentences; and there will be auto-play or manual play.

That’s just a taste.  Well, let me know if you have any special requests!





Please do dive in (politely). I want your reactions!

12 responses to “WatchKnow Reader coding gets under way!”

  1. Bri (annisis)

    I am very excited to read about this! The best of luck to you guys! I hope it is going well. I’m sure this will be a huge success!

  2. Would love to hear an update… (Apologies for being so impatient!)

  3. Gene

    You mention “software coding” in HTML5. I was wondering if this was going to be generic for teaching young children to learn different subjects or is it “hard coded” for reading only? Either way, it will be a nice tool for parents who understand the benefits of early reading.

    1. I’ve designed the requirements so that it will be quickly–immediately, I hope–be repurposable for teaching all sorts of subjects. Eventually we might make it available for everyone, but initially I’ll be making presentations myself using it. If it traffic is growing steadily (?!), I might end up making presentations full time.

  4. Julia

    Very exciting!! We’re looking forward to it!!

  5. Lakshmi


    This is great! I am sure lot of parents will be very happy to use this. Great work. Just like the other works you have given us over the years.

  6. Linzy

    Good luck with this endevour. Anything to streamline the teaching process in a successful way so as to make early learning accessible to the masses without them needing to create or run thier own program is not just exciting, but a public sevice too.

  7. Thank you, Larry! I can’t wait to get my hands on the final product, as, I am sure, a lot of other mums out there.

  8. I can add a British speaker, but it would be a lot of work. Maybe we’ll be able to find a volunteer to do the heavy lifting (recording the voice, matching the voice up to the text files…). And also the videos of people saying the word? Indeed, it would be a lot of work, but it could be done. I won’t rule it out!

  9. There is one more thing I meant to ask regarding “special requests”: will there be an option for British spelling and pronunciation? I am a bit apprehensive about my DD spelling “color” at school and being told off. 🙂

    It would be great to see this in a variety of languages (Russian please!), but it’s probably early days for that…

  10. That is so exciting! There will be so many people out there who will thank you for doing this and for making it affordable. I also foresee this application becoming popular among speech and language pathologists, as well as with learners of English as a foreign language.

    I hope you will be able to get videos for illustrating the words, as well as sentences. I have an issue with my daughter who seems to be easily bored by static pictures but is drawn to dynamic illustrations. I believe it is for this reason that YBCR has been a huge hit with her, while Little Reader has not.

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