At least one person said she wanted to read my essay on her Kindle, but could not figure out how to get it. I’m pretty sure she could download it from her desktop and email it to her Kindle, but for those who want it on their handheld devices and can’t be bothered to figure such things out, you can give $2.99 to Amazon (and me–it was the minimum I could charge without giving most of the proceeds to Amazon) for a copy. The formatting is not as good as the PDF, in my opinion. But if you want it, here it is:
How and Why I Taught My Toddler to Read
Kindle version, $2.99
Free version (same content, better formatting in PDF)
By the way, is there any interest in my making this available in print book version? I will do so if there is. Please let me know. If nobody asks for such a version, I won’t make one.
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